20 - A Series of Events

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March 13th - that's a scary date, innit. also lots of dialogue

"That's just not going to work, Aspen. Think sensibly."

"I am, and I think it is a wonderful plan."

Sage sighed and looked at Aspen. "Penny, they hate each other. You may think they were in love or some shit, but that's just you being optimistic and delusional and in love yourself."

Aspen wrapped her arm around Sage's as they walked up the stairs of the quidditch pitch. Today was Slytherin and Hufflepuff's rematch. "Dorcas agreed, and Marlene... well, she doesn't know. But all the better." Aspen smiled as she found James.

Throughout the past week, James and Aspen have had no time to be alone. There was quidditch practice, schoolwork, a tight curfew, and their friends. When they did have the opportunity, one of their mates would always barge into the room. Practices had been going from after classes to curfew, which was newly installed. No one was to be out past 8 o'clock unless a faculty member was there to escort you. And, all of the professors were trying to catch the students up, and that meant rushed lessons and mountains of schoolwork.

But they did have some fun at Remus' birthday party. He never liked big parties, but that didn't matter to the others; they threw him a party bigger than Sirius' and Lily's and Mary's. Most of Gryffindor house, lots of Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were present. All of them got absolutely plastered by the time Remus opened his presents. Aspen got him a sweater and special flask, which made him cry and hug her for a really long time.

Also, Aspen had yet to reply to Phoenix. She was still nervous about meeting her apparent sister or even talking to her. She hadn't processed it yet. And, as she promised, Aspen hadn't told anyone-- not even Sage. It was hard to keep something from her longtime best friend, but until Aspen was sure, Sage would have to be kept in the dark.

"And you'll be there tonight, yes?" Aspen asked.

Sage nodded slightly, fixing her hair. "Yeah, sure." She mumbled, blush appearing on her cheeks. Aspen looked over to see the Marauders all standing together. The other girls were busy doing their own things.

Aspen and Sage approached the Marauders. "Hiya." Aspen greeted James.

"Are we invisible now?" Sirius asked, looking hurt.

She shrugged, never taking her eyes off James. "Yeah, I would say so." She smiled and hugged James. Sage stood next to Peter. He got obviously nervous though began a conversation. Aspen snuggled up to James and nodded at the two. "They're so adorable."

James rubbed Aspen's arm. "That they are. We have been attempting to convince Wormtail to ask her on a date, but he refuses and says she doesn't feel the same."

She snorted. "She really does."

"Penny, I have something to tell you and you may not like it."

Aspen immediately turned to James. "I told you not to prank my mum." She said sternly.

He cringed and nodded. "Yeah, I know. But-"


"Look," he looked down at her, "technically, it is not your mother, but she may take it that way."

"Grace, James, what's the plan?"

"I mean, we want to cheer everyone up after the attack, so we're sort of putting a petting zoo in the Great Hall before breakfast."

Aspen just looked at him, her face shocked. She silently stared at him for a few moments as his smile dropped. "Where are you getting the animals?"

"Do not ask questions that you do not want the answers to."

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