23 - You're Perfect, I love you

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April 3rd - James' new bday + about 5000 words !!

A/N: So i fucked up the date last chapter and it was supposed to be James' actual birthday. I'm changing his birthday to make it a week after the last chapter. I am so sorry I missed bbgs birthday. He doesn't deserve that :( Also keep in mind the name of this chapter for later titles. It's importanttttt

Aspen rehid the journal. She changed it to be in plain sight. And, after the Journal and Little Red Book were successfully hidden, she forced herself to forget about the necklace and her father. She forgot about Phoenix and her being followed by Death Eaters; she forgot about her father and his need for control; she forgot her father left her a vessel of destruction. Today was James' day and that was all that mattered to her.

She had stayed up the night before his birthday, planning everything and making sure it was all perfect. She thought him to be perfect, so that's how his day was going to be. She planned everything with the help of the Marauders and the girls. For a little while, it would be just her and James and their mates. Then there would be a party.

Good morning and happy birthday, Jamesie! Fret not, because today is going to be all about you. The first part of the morning is this letter. And the last part of the night is going to be another letter. As you can see, the lads have disappeared from the dorm, as have I. Come down to the common room when you wake up. That is when the day is going to start.
- Penny.

"He's not going to wake up for hours, Aspen. That boy sleeps forever." Marlene commented from the couch.

Aspen shrugged, sitting next to Remus. "Whenever he gets up is when we start this." She said.

"What is happening?" Sirius asked. He was draped over the armchair, staring at Remus. "You've taken over and kept his best mates out of the plan. I find it rude."

"Trust the process, Pads." Remus responded. He was also staring at Sirius. "Penny won't fuck up the day."

"Actually-" She began.

"All rise! He has graced you with his presence on this fine day!"

Aspen turned around, smiling cheekily, seeing James standing on the stairs with his arms open. While everyone screamed happy birthday, Aspen got up and ran into his arms. He kissed her, his arms around her waist. "Thank you for the little note, Asp." He whispered into her ear.

She kissed his neck and rubbed his back. "Happy birthday, Jamsie." She mumbled back.

Then, all of a sudden, she was torn away from him. She stumbled and gained her balance back, seeing Sirius and him in a soul-crushing hug. They were fake crying. Aspen raised her brows in shock. The others looked bored, as if this was a normal occurrence. Knowing James and Sirius, this was more than normal.

After everyone exchanged their happy birthdays and hugs, it was time for the day to start. Aspen never put this much thought into someone's birthday. Except last year for the twins. That was a day of utter joy for all three of them. But this was different: she was celebrating her first real love. Whether or not she was completely happy about what they would be doing today, it would make James happy. That's what mattered to her.

"Penny!" Sage ran up to her in the middle of the corridor. Dorcas was with her. The group stopped.

Aspen cleared her throat and walked to the side with the two. "What happened?" She asked.

Dorcas took a deep breath, looking at Sage then at Aspen. "Uhm, so, Evan and Barty agreed to help us. Regulus will join after dinner."

"Okay." Aspen nodded. "We need Evan and Barty immediately. They're the only ones that can go through, unnoticed."

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