22 - It's a Good Idea

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It kinda was a good idea, for the sole purpose of saving Aspen and everyone else.

She had been with James for the past 2 weeks. That's not an over exaggeration. To every class, they walked together; every morning they woke up in one of their dorms, together. This is what Aspen wanted more than anything in the world. They would laugh and talk, their conversations never stopping and their hands always intertwined.

James had officially asked her Friday night. He kicked the girls out of their dorm, set up candles and music and food, and asked her then. It was incredibly romantic. The girls were excited, Minnie and the other boys too. Her mother didn't have much of a reaction— because she's been waiting for a month— but Aspen knew she was excited. The boys freaked out much more than the girls did, even though the three of them helped set up the girls' dorm. The girls giggled and made Aspen tell them everything.

When Saturday rolled around, she just couldn't do it. Aspen and Sage told Remus about Phoenix, and he was shocked. She decided to go to Hogsmeade, but the anxiety almost made her puke. She wrote a quick letter that morning then knocked on James' dorm. They spent the whole day together.

A week later, the Saturday after she was supposed to meet Phoenix, was a good day. She woke up in James' arms, in his dorm. They kissed a lot before getting ready for the day.

"James, she likes you."

"How do you know?"

"She's my mother."

James frowned and washed off his face as Aspen spit out toothpaste. Yeah, she even had a toothbrush in his dorm. "She's been weird to me lately. She hardly looks at me; my marks have dropped slightly." James sighed and hugged Aspen from behind.

Aspen giggled and leaned her head back on his chest. "Jamsie, she likes you and she always has. If she didn't, you wouldn't be hugging me like this. And your marks have dropped because we have practice all day; she barely looks at me, too."

"Yes, I suppose." He kissed her neck. "But how exactly am I hugging you, darling?" He smirked against her neck.

She hummed and held his head as he continued down her back. "That's up for you to decide." She smiled.

His head snapped back up, he turned her around, and crashed his lips against hers. He grabbed the back of her neck and she had her hands around his waist as she was backed up into the counter.

"Yuck!" A little blond boy screamed.

Peter and Sirius walked into the bathroom, their faces disgusted. "There are other people in this dorm, nasties." Sirius stretched his arm behind Aspen to grab his dry shampoo.

Aspen sighed and sat on the counter, James still in front of her. She then laughed. "You use dry shampoo?" She asked Sirius.

He scoffed, completely offended. "Of course, Penny." He sprayed it on his hair. "Though I did steal the bottle from Marlene so please refrain from mentioning this."

"He's like a little girl." Peter smiled, beginning brushing his teeth. "You should see his hair routine." He said with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Keep your mouth closed, Wormy." Remus walked into the bathroom as well, sitting on the shower edge. "But, actually, Aspen, it takes him three hours and 13 minutes exactly."

"You've timed me?" Sirius asked, turning to face the boys.

"Your almost as bad as Mary." Aspen said. "Every Wednesday, the bathroom is occupied from after dinner until 10."

"Oi," Peter interrupted, sitting next to Aspen, "what's the plan for today?"

James sat up and took Aspen's hand to help her down. "We will let the ladies get ready before going to Hogsmeade. We can just fuck around, I dunno."

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