Chapter 8

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So when we reached school my heart was beating so fast. I reached class out my bag in my chair and sat folding my arms and had put my head between. Maybe like a 15 mins later some one texted me saying come to the library, I checked the number it said Unknown number. But still I went . When I reached the library I dint see anyone there. I got a text again . " Come to the third shelf from left ." This proved that person saw me. As I was walking to find for the third shelf someone pulled me and hugged me so hard . It was a boy cause he didn't have long hair.! I couldn't see the face at all. Well I dint scream cause I had never hugged a guy before❤️. I kept on hugging . And suddenly he let lose of me I saw Zac 😍. He looked into my eyes I gazed into those beautiful blue eyes. He came close I stood still . He came even closer and then we KISSED...!! Ouch! Oh sorry Mrs.Higglebottom I was just tired and had a nap. "This is not place for sleeping ."
"Sorry teacher " and I say it was just a dream😡. Oh gawd! Zac told me come to the library in the recess. I was shocked ! Maybe my dream is coming true. There is a saying "The dream we see in the morning may come true."
Yay I hope it does . Recess bell rang.!
I went without even having my breakfast up to the library alone! Searching for him. He stood near the last shelf near the cabinet that was grey in colour with alien pictures stuck on it. I went up close he took out a ring from his pocket , knelt down on his knee and asked me " Could you be all mine?"
" I took the ring and replied a big fat "YES."
He was shocked and I was happy .!
He got up and asked me "Really?"
He took out a necklace and put it on my neck. I looked at it and saw it was a cute necklace that said 💋 and we could open it . Inside was a pic of me n him grid. Oh gawd I loved it.!😍 he came up close to me and kissed me !. He hugged me and I felt he was crying ! I just went back and asked him " what happend?"
" I never expected u would say yes! Could we never break up? Please I am sure I won't leave you . Promise me you wouldn't too."
I noticed it was tears of Joy.
The bell rang it was time to go to class .
He told me "no matter our parents know I wouldn't leave u ."
" Me to."
And we went to class.
Next period went pretty good!
But the last period was terror.
Teacher came and kept her books and called me and Zac out.
She told us " what is going on between both of you ?"
" we are just best friends!"
" no ellie told me u kissed"
Oh damn she is such a bi***.
" No teacher!"
" what is that on your hand and neck then?"
I turned blue. She called out parents and my parents fixed that they were going to change my school not only school country 😭.
I messaged Zac he said " No don't leave me !"
And that night I ran out of my house . Zac came to the roadside in my village . He took me to one of his friends house and he told his friend to take care of me and to make sure I am safe .
They agreed but they had this weird look at me .
Next day my parents found out I wasn't there😓. And that day I heard a news my brother killed Zac! 😭.... I was just for nothing ! His friends came closer to me and said "Zac is DEAD ." I looked at them almost about to cry. " now we have the hold of you."
" no I want to go ."
" that man came even closer I saw a bottle next to me and took it and knocked it on his head shivering ! I dint want to live anymore I ran to the washroom searching for a blade and when I was about to cut myself someone knocked me I fell on the ground on top of me I saw it was my Dad and saw my mom crying behind me . I went back home and was still upset. The police came and was about to arrest me but my brother told he had killed both of them and it wasn't me . I was stund so was my parents . The police arrested him and took him. A tear dropped from my moms eyes . 15 years later...
My brother was out of jail. While he came closer to us a jeep crashed on him and he was dead!😓
My parents started crying and plus did I . It was the worst days of my life. And today I am married to a handsome man Jack Blacksworth who is Zac's elder brother. Having a happy life . My parents are still at USA . But I wanted a change to refresh my mind so we are in UK now . I have 2 children one boy and a girl . Boy named "Zac" and girl named "Jackie" and they are twins.
We thereafter lived happily ever after❤️
Thankyou all for the comments in my previous chapters. Add me on insta : a4teengirl
Thankyou and this was the End of the New Guy At School. See you all in my next story❤️bye💕😊

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