Chapter 1

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"You better write, text, call, visit, or something. Los Angeles is so far away," Taylor says thoughtfully. I rolled my eyes and hiked my backpack up my shoulder. I nodded my head towards the door to the airport. Nicole was already inside, getting us checked in. I hugged Taylor and Laura again and ran inside. I found Nicole waving to my over by security. I put my bag up on the shelf thingy and untied my shoes. I grabbed a bin and placed my excess items shoes inside. Nicole did the same and we scooted them under the machine and waited for them on the other side. We gathered up our stuff and we walked to our terminal.

"Finally," I sighed. Nicole nodded her head in understanding. I could not wait until we got to Los Angeles. My boyfriend, Ryan, was meeting us there and taking us to his apartment at the University all three of us were attending. I'm staying with Ryan and Nicole has connections for housing. Nicole and I are going on music scholarships and Ryan is going on a sports scholarship.
I stored my stuff in the overhead bins and kept out my phone and a book. I plugged in my headphones and settled in to read a book.
I searched for a familiar face in the airport terminal. I finally found his gleaming smile and I ran to him. I dropped my bags and jumped into his embrace. I kissed his cheeks over and over until I finally found his lips. I had my legs wrapped around his waist and he was holding me by my waist.

"I missed you so much," I whispered into his neck. I buried my face into his neck as he set me down.

"I missed you too," he said. I leaned back and smiled.

"I love you so much," I sighed. He smiled at me.

"I love you more, Maddlyn," he said, leaning down to kiss me again.

"Alright, alright enough," I heard Nicole said from behind. I turned around and she was grinning behind me. I swatted at her and took my suitcase and Ryan's hand. We rolled all of our stuff to Ryan's car and put our bags in the trunk. I opened the passenger door and Nicole huffed about being "banished to the back." I ignored her protests and closed the door. Ryan rested his hand on my knee and I rested mine on top of his. I fiddled with the radio until I came to an okay station.

"Gross what is this song," I heard Nicole complain behind us. I rolled my eyes.

"It's Taylor Swift, you love her," I huff. I know I loved her. Nicole crinkled her nose and shook her head, but said nothing. I switched the radio stations some more until I annoyed the whole car with my switching until I gave up and left it on the Swifty station. The whole drive was full of our singing along to the songs and laughing when Ryan got the words wrong. The mood was light. Ryan parked in front of his apartment, well I guess our apartment now. I popped the trunk and went to grab my bag until Ryan stopped me and took it instead. We smiled at each other as Nicole rolled her eyes and grabbed her own bag. We walked up the steps to his second story apartment, or should I say loft. This space was gorgeous. It had red walls and perfectly matched silver furniture and beautiful paintings that fit the mood amazingly. I stopped in the doorway, mesmerized by the amazing loft. It perfectly matched my taste and I couldn't be happier. I couldn't believe I was living here with the love of my life. I hugged him as he came in the doorway behind me. He picked me up and spun me around.

"What do you think?" Ryan asked me.

"It's gorgeous sweetheart," I approve. He smiled at me.

"I knew you would love it. It seems the exact thing you would love. Just too bad I only see you in the mornings and afternoons," Ryan pouts. I frown and he lifts my head and kisses my forehead. My frown disappears and I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Well at least we get to see each other after classes, that's all we need," Ryan smirks. I swatted his arm and stepped away. I grabbed my bags and walked to the bedroom. Ryan followed me and tried to take one of my bags but I insisted I was perfectly capable of handling it. He finally stopped and I started unpacking. He grabbed my waist and tugged me towards him. He kissed my neck and I wriggled out of the embrace. I looked behind me and gave him a sneaky smile. I like this game. I start classes tomorrow and I assume Nicole is somewhere else, I don't really remember what happened to her. I resumed unpacking and Ryan sulked around messing with random things around the room.

I finished unpacking and I walked out to the living room where Ryan migrated.

"Is ordering pizza okay for one night?" I sarcastically asked my very healthy-eater of a boyfriend. He rolled his eyes and grabbed the phone. I'll take that as a yes. I sat down on the couch next to him and watched what he had on TV. I had no clue what it was but I sat and watched it anyway.

"We've got two pizza's on their way over here," Ryan said hanging up. I nodded and snuggled into his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled my closer.

"Do you even know what this is?" He asked after a while. I shook my head and he laughed. He took the remote and went on Netflix and found a movie we could both watch.

There was a knock on the door and Ryan unwrapped his arm from my waist to go get it. I laid my head on the couch as I waited for Ryan to return. He came back with two plates piled high with pizza slices. He placed the plates on the coffee table and resettled himself under my head. Tomorrow is going to a be a long day without his comforting embrace.

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