Chapter 3

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Class went by way to fast for my comfort and before I knew it, I was walking out with Blake English to his apartment. Nothing will happen, it will be fine. I texted Ryan and told him I was hanging out with a friend for a few hours, leaving out the fact that that particular friend happened to be Blake. All during class, Blake would whisper mean things about the professor which would in turn make me laugh and then get us in trouble.

We walk into his apartment that is conveniently close to mine and Ryan's. Wonderful. I walk in and Blake shuts the door behind me.

"So, now what?" I asked nervously. He just shrugged and sat down on his couch and stared at me. I begin to shift my weight uncomfortably.

"Was there a certain reason you wanted to meet after class?" I broke the silence. He shrugged again.

"I didn't think I would get this far," he countered. Wow.

"What do you mean? You thought I wouldn't want to be your friend or something? Your very, um, nice," I stated.

"No I- Yes I, yeah that's what I thought," he stammers. I awkwardly stood there and sighed and looked around. The apartment was very small, and there are books and papers everywhere. In the living room, there is a loveseat, chair, coffee table, and a TV. There was a door that I assume led to the bedroom.

"So, now what?" I said again. He immediately got up and walked out the door. He ran down the stairs and left me up here. Is he crazy? I hear pounding on the stairs and then see his blonde head pop up again.

"Are you coming or what?" He blatantly asked me. I slowly nodded.

"Okay," he agrees and goes back downstairs. I throw my hands up in exasperation and reluctantly follow him downstairs.
"Where are we going?" I shakily ask. I am holding onto the car for dear life as Blake speeds twenty miles over the speed limit. He is going to get us killed. At least I don't have to worry about my life when I'm with Ryan.

"Huh?" He quickly looks over at me.

"Are we going anywhere specific? And are we going to live long enough to make it?" I ask with more force. He laughs. He sounds like a goose when he laughs really hard, and it's strangely adorable.

"It's a surprise," he says without taking his eyes from the road. I nod slowly and retract my arms from the window and settle down in the seat.
The first thing I hear is music. Loud music. But good music. I am so not dressed for this.

"Blake, did you just take me to a party? In the middle of the day?" I say. He brushes it off with a flick of his wrist.

"You don't have to go to any more classes today," he says as he pulls me with him.

"What about Ryan?" I whine. He halts where he is and turns to look at me.

"Ryan who," he says, and keeps walking. I huff and follow him into the madness. I see four boys immediately take him in and leave me. I awkwardly stood there until Blake comes back for me. He smiles and takes my hand. He brings me over to the other boys in a corner and introduces them.

"This is Tc," he points to a boy with long blonde hair slicked back in a quiff.

"This is Jayk," he points to a boy with dark hair.

"This is Drew," he points to a boy who also has blonde hair that sticks up on one side, very stylishly.

"And this is Devin," he points to a younger looking boy with blonde hair that has the top sticking up. I waved to all of them and turned to Blake who had his arm around my back. I slowly took his arm off.

"Remember Ryan?" I said slyly.

"Why yes I do," he smirks.

"Well, do you remember that we live together and that he is probably expecting me home right now?" I say slowly. Blake's eyes narrow slightly. He nods and pulls me over to where all the music is blasting. He walks over to the DJ and tells him something. Blake beckons to the boys who I just met. They all formed in front of the speakers and an upbeat song played. All the boys had microphones and Devin started singing.

"I'm standing on the edge, and I'm looking to the ground," Devins expertly sings. The boys stay in their formation as Devin moves around.

"I got trapped inside of the madness and I can't just run around," Devin sings. The boys are still and Devin has moved back where he started.

"It's a new day, new day," Drew sings. He breaks formation and starts walking around.

"It's a rat race, rat race. I'm in no shape no place, to just walk away, walk away," Drew sings. He walks back where he started.

"I'm so hi-i-i-gh" the boys all sing and start jumping.

"I've gotta take the plunge," the start moving around and dancing.

"I'm so hi-i-i-gh," the boys jump and sing again.

"I've gotta take the jump, gotta freefall," they stop jumping and I am impressed by them. They boys start dancing as Blake starts singing.

"Don't care how the story ends or if the future turns me down," he sings gorgeously. He makes his way over to me.

"I can't change tomorrow's events so I gotta live right now," he sings to me. My hand instinctively reaches up to my chest and I lay my hand over my heart. His voice is absolutely amazing.

The song dips to a quiet part and it repeats after Jayk's solo. Blake twists around to the front and twists into the air and lands in a crouch. Tc hops up off the ground and I am overwhelmed. They are really good. I find myself mostly watching Blake, and I am amazed by his abilities. He can really sing. The song ends to soon and I am clapping louder than anyone else.

"That was so good!" I praise him when he comes over me. He smiles.

"Thanks! We are a band, called After Romeo. You should become a Juliet," he says shyly. I giggle and nod.

"Sure, I guess I am a Juliet now," I laugh. I instinctively go in for a hug and he seems happy about that except I pull back at the last second and give him a high five instead. His smile turns into a frown but I am too awkward, especially when I don't know how I feel about him. Ryan!!!!

"Blake!! We need to go back!! I need to go back to Ryan," I scream. His eyes go wide and he backs up but he recovers and walks out and drives me home.
"Ryan I am so sorry. I wasn't even watching the-" I am cut off by Ryan's lips. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around his neck.

"It's okay sweetie, I ordered pizza for you again," he smiles. I kiss him again and walk into the kitchen. I grab a plate and pile it high with pizza slices. I walk over to the couch and curl up next to Ryan. I feel slightly guilty, but I shake it off and make sure Blake doesn't get in the way of this wonderful, simple relationship I have with Ryan. Blake will not complicate it.

(I hope you guys like this story! For those who don't know who After Romeo is, it's an actual band and I love them. All the members are actual people who are actually in the band. The way I portray Blake throughout the story might not be accurate so don't judge him through this story please :) Love all you guys! Share this with your friends!)

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