Chapter 5

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I woke up to Ryan snoring in my hair and his arm wrapped around my waist in our bed. Today was finally Friday and I could not wait until the weekend. I need to go find an internship or job or something. I will do that this weekend for sure. I grumbled and got up. I put on a Star Wars tshirt and black skinny jeans and my black boots. My shirts are the only thing that changes usually. Huh, weird.

I walk to my first class and prepare to face Blake. I walk in and Blake is sitting and talking to his friends. I take my usual seat next to him and take out my journal and pens. When I lay them out I notice Blake and turn towards him.

"Last night was fine don't worry about it," he says before I can say anything.

"Yeah, it was, nice even," I say too much.

"OMG stop flirting with me," he says and turns around. What the heck? I laugh to myself and shake my head. I just realized I haven't even set foot inside of any of my other classes. I guess I will go and get the work for them after this class and do it all this weekend.
"That class always takes forever," Blake complains as class ends. I nod in my agreement and turn to walk away. I sense Blake following me, but I don't take notice until he grabs me and pulls me into an alleyway between two buildings. He wraps his arms around my waist and gently presses his forehead against mine. His lips are pressed against mine and I lose all sense of anything going on around us. All I focus on is Blake. Blake Blake Blake. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer.

"That was not just some kiss," he breathes against my mouth. I smile and continue to kiss him. I break away.

"OMG quit flirting with me," I smirk and walk away. I can hear him laughing as I walk away. I feel something in my back pocket and I reach down and pull out a piece of paper; Blake's number. I immediately put it into my phone and text him saying its me. I walk to the gym and prepare to tell Ryan the worst news he has probably ever received.
I walk into the gym nervously and regret doing this. I slowly walk up to Ryan and he turns around with a smile on his face.

"Hey Maddlyn," he says. He reaches over and hugs me. I smile weakly I can't do this. I can't. Not to him. I still love him.

"I, um, I thought," I stammer.

"I thought it would be nice if we could go out this evening," I blurt. Crap that's not what I meant to do. I still love Ryan, with all my heart but I can't keep doing this to him behind his back. It needs to stop. So maybe this date will end up being a good thing.

"Yeah, I think that's a great idea," Ryan agrees. I exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Okay. That was not how I intended this to go, but this will be good for me, for us. This Blake thing needs to stop. He's my friend, not boyfriend. I kiss Ryan goodbye and go to my other classes that I missed this past week.

This is a lot of work to do over the weekend. I groan and trek back up to the apartment and drop it all off. I open the door and Nicole is sitting on the couch. I quickly drop all my stuff off onto the couch and reach out to hug her. She stands up and notices me and hugs me back.

"I've missed you! I'm so sorry that I couldn't come see you during the week. We should do something this weekend," I squeal. She laughs and nods.

"I've missed you too! But guess what," she says mysteriously. I hop up and down a little and nod for her to continue.

"I have a boyfriend!" She squeals. I screech and hop up and down with her.

"What's his name?" I ask.

"Blake English," she squeals. I immediately stop jumping and my face falls. The knife in my chest twists achingly slow. Everything stops and I don't even know what I'm doing but I stomp out the door to go find Blake and demand to make him tell me what is wrong with him. Cheating on Nicole for one thing. Wait. I halt my stampede. I am cheating on Ryan technically. I'm still going to find him and tell him to break up with her. I am way too hurt than I should be. I can't believe he would do that. I'm already half way to the class when my anger weakens. Why am I so mad? Oh, because he cheated on his "girlfriend" I didn't even know he had. My anger came back and I stormed in the classroom.

"What is wrong with you?" I yell at Blake. He looks slightly scared for a second. I grab his arm and drag him outside.

"What is wrong with you?" I repeat. He looks at me funny and I start to explain.

"So, you're dating my twin sister Nicole, you make out with me after class, what's next?" I scream. He relaxes slightly and that just turns my anger.

"Hey hey hey," he tries to calm me down.

"I broke up with Nicole yesterday," he says softly.

"I wasn't what she needed," he explained. I relaxed slightly.

"Well why did she tell me that you are still dating?" I asked. He looked confused.

"Maybe she's in denial or something," he reasons. I'm not convinced.

"Well then go make sure she understands. Do it softly because she is my sister and I do not want someone lying to her," I scold. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Fine, but when are you going to tell your precious Ryan about everything," he smirks. I am so close to slapping him across his perfect face.

"Do not tell me what to do. I will in time, but this whole thing," I motion between us. "Needs to stop. I can't keep doing that to Ryan, okay?" I say. His face falls slightly. He nods solemnly and starts to walk away. I follow him inside and sit next to him. Class has already started, but I'm glad I got that talk over with. My anger has evaporated and I'm filled with sadness of the upcoming confession that is doomed to come. I'm not mad at Blake anymore, but I am still pissed about the Nicole thing. I've decided to just skip the lectures for my required classes and just get the work and turn it in.

After that class finally ended and I hustled out of there to avoid any conversation with Blake. I made my way to the apartment to get ready for tonight.

I opened the apartment door and found myself face to face with a raccoon-eyed Nicole. I slowly wrapped my arms around her shoulders and asked he what was wrong.

"Oh nothing except Blake broke up with me. After three days," she sobbed. I rubbed her arms and comforted her.

"He was no good for you anyway Nic. You will find someone else that is more deserving of you. You will find your Ryan," I assured her. She slowly nodded her head and broke out of my arms and went to sit on the couch.

"Nicole darling, come here. Let's get you cleaned up," I coaxed. She softly obeyed and followed me to my room.

I cleaned off all of her makeup and reapplied it to look more natural than it usually does, and she looks beautiful. She studies herself in the mirror.

"Thank you so much, Maddlyn. I don't know what I would do with out you," she says. Her mood is slightly better and I send her on her way to her classes. Now for this date of mine...

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