Chapter 4

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I wake up to the beeping of an alarm clock way too early. I hear a groan next to me and I silently laugh at him. He has to get up at the same time I do. I tackle Ryan and shake him so he wakes up. He rolls over and smiles up at me. I lean down and kiss him and crawl off. I go over to the closet and pull out a white tank top and black skinny jeans and my black boots. I brush my hair and teeth and kiss Ryan goodbye.

I prepare myself for my first class with Blake. I take a deep breath outside the door and open it. I walk in with my head high and take a seat next to Blake. He immediately turns around and smiles. I smile back. He is actually really fun to hang out with. I tap him on the shoulder.

"What are you doing after this class?" I bravely ask. He look surprised.

"Um, I guess uh, nothing?" He finally spits out. I nod and turn back towards the front as the professor comes in. I sense Blake looking at me and I try my hardest to keep my cheeks under control. It doesn't work and I can feel the heat in my cheeks. Why did I do that? I should be spending time with Ryan whenever I can, but instead I just made plans with Blake. What is wrong with me? After my second class I am going to go hang with Ryan, for sure. Me and Blake are just friends, nothing more.

The class goes by achingly slow and finally its over and I pack up my stuff and turn around towards Blake. He slowly stands up, looking at me the whole time.

"So, I had a really good time last night, and I just wanted to say thank you for making me go, I had a really nice time. Oh and your band is super awesome," I spit out all at once.

"I had a good time too, your welcome, so did I, thank you. We have a concert you should come too this Friday night," he answers my statements in order. I nod and walk out the door. I look back and he's still standing there. I beckon him to follow me, and he turns his head around and points to himself as if to ask who, me? I rolled my eyes and nodded. He looked unsure, but followed me out the door anyway. As soon as we were out in the cool air, I spoke.

"I didn't really have a definite plan when I called you out here, but maybe you could figure out something to do?" I stated. He still looked a little confused, but pondered my question nevertheless.

"What about Riley?" He asked.

"Ryan," I corrected. "And I'm going to meet up with him after my next class, that I may or may not skip," I added.

"Okay, um, I guess we could always just go back to my apartment and do something, I don't know," he decided.

"Uh yeah okay we can do that I guess," I said awkwardly. I don't know why I made plans with him in the first place. We started to walk towards his apartment when he tried to link his arm with mine.

"You ain't slick," I laughed and unhooked my arm. He laughed and continued walking.

"Well at least skip around with me singing 'we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of all' the rest of the way to my apartment," he teased. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. He took a big breath and started skipping ahead of me. Uh oh.

"WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF ALL BECAUSE BECAUS BECAUSE BECAAAAAAUUUUUSSSEEEE," he screamed down the street. Oh lord. I burst out laughing at him and chased after him.
We made it to his apartment laughing at screaming and singing. I was still falling into fits of laughter as I walked over to sit on his couch. He ran over and tackled me on the couch and started tickling me. I screeched and started hitting at his hands. My stomach was hurting from laughing so hard and I don't remember being this happy ever. He stopped suddenly and so did my laughs. We were quiet for a moment. He was on top of me, supported by his arm. We just stared at each other, until he dipped down and pressed his lips to mine. I was so caught up in everything that I didn't realize that I was helping this act by wrapping my arm around his neck and pulling him closer. I felt so alive, so loved, so special. More so than anytime I have with Ryan. I felt something with Blake, unlike the safe comfort of Ryan. Blake was mysterious, different and far from safe. You never knew what he was going to do next and you never saw it coming. Ryan. Ryan Ryan Ryan. What have I done? I immediately broke away and scooted out from under him. I stood up and Blake got up and started apologizing.

"I'm so sorry Maddie I wasn't thinking straight-" I cut him off mid sentence.

"Blake it's totally cool, I was part to blame too. I don't want this to hurt anything. It was, it was just a kiss," I assured him. It was not just a kiss; it was a game-changer. He lowered his eyes and shook his head.

"That, my friend, was not just a kiss," he said. I lowered my eyes.

"I'm going to uh, I'm going to go," I said quietly. He nods and I leave the apartment.
I quietly shut the door to me and Ryan's apartment. I tip toed past the living room but was immediately attacked by Ryan who was waiting for me. He grabbed my waist and threw me on the couch. I climbed over me and kissed me.

"Where were you," he breathed. I slightly shook my head and pulled him closer. I strained to feel the same thing I felt with Blake, but nothing happened. Ryan picked me up and held me in his lap. He nuzzled his head in my neck.

"I'll ask you later," he mumbled and laid back. I breathed out a sigh of relief because I was not going to lie to him again. I hope nothing between me and Blake will be awkward tomorrow.

(Blake, Maddlyn, Nicole, And Ryan are all juniors in college. I forgot to mention that in the beginning and I didn't want anyone to be confused throughout the next few chapters. Hope you guys are enjoying it and don't forget to vote and share to others! Love you!)

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