Chapter 2

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I woke up to an annoying beeping noise that I don't remember setting. I sat up and rubbed out my neck. I stretched out my arms and shoulders. Me and Ryan fell asleep on the couch in an always position that I will for sure pay for today. I got up and stretched my legs and walked to the closet. I pulled on some black skinny jeans, a white tshirt, and black combat boots tied loosely. I kissed Ryan on the cheek and grabbed my bag and headed out the door. My first class was intro to music history, which was a required class. I grabbed coffee from Starbucks and headed to my class. When I walked through the door, I almost spit my coffee out onto the beautiful face in front of me. Gorgeous long blonde curls and beautiful hazel eyes stared straight at me. I was frozen on the spot as he stared straight through me. He grinned at me and motions for me to sit next to him. What am I doing? I have a boyfriend. A very serious boyfriend. I have to snap out of it. Maybe me and this mystery boy will just be friends. Yeah, friends. I take the boy up on his offer and go and sit next to him. He smiles and continues talking to his friend. I decide to make myself busy so I place my Starbucks cup on the table in front of me and take out my journal and pen. I notice mystery boy staring at me as I got out of all my stuff.

"What's your name?" I hear him ask.

"Maddlyn," I answer carefully. He nods.

"That's a cool name. I'm Blake," he answers. Blake. I nod and turn back around. He grins and turns to talk to his friend again. I can hear them whispering but I can't make out what they're saying. I hope it isn't about me. The professor comes in and everyone silences.

The whole time during class, I sneak looks at Blake and catch him looking at me a couple times. No. No. No. I can't do this. I have Ryan. Ryan Ryan Ryan. Ryan. Blake? Ryan. Ryan.

Finally the class ends and I pack up everything and turn to exit the building. I feel a hand wrap around my arm and pull my back. I whip my head around and I see Blake rubbing his eye.

"Ouch, your hair is really long and it hit my eye," he laughs. I smile weakly and apologize.

"I'm sorry, you just scared me," I say.

"Yeah it's okay," he nods.

"Well if-" I start to walk away as he grabs my arm again and links arms with me.

"What's your next class," he asks as we exit the building. I slip my arm from out of his.

"Um, I have a dance class next in a few hours," I answer as his face falls. He shrugs it off.

"So do I," he says slowly. Of course he does.

"What are your other classes, Maddie?" He asks.

"First of all my name is Maddlyn," I say.

"I like Maddie better. It's close," he shrugs.

I roll my eyes. "Uh I think I have-" he cuts me off and grabs my planner out of my hand and checks for himself. I try and take it back but he reaches it high over his head and has a smirks at me. Dang his height. He looks at the schedule I have written in there.

"We have every class together, like at the same time and everything," he says, closely studying the planner. Of course he does. This is going to be a long year. I take my planner back and stick it in my bag.

"Well, at least there will be a familiar face in every class," I say and shrug. He looks slightly dissapointed in my answer but shakes it off.

"So what are you going to do before class?" He questions. Great.

"Um, I'm meeting Ryan for lunch," I lie.

"Who's Ryan?" He asks. Crap crap crap.

"My boyfriend," I answer and hold my chin up high and walk toward the apartment where I'm going to "meet Ryan" although he has class currently. Maybe I will just go visit him after his class. I look back and Blake is watching me walk away. I turn forward again and walk to the gym where Ryan is most likely.
"Hey Ryan," I call trough the gym. He's by himself shooting baskets. He shoots one more and comes over and hugs and kisses me. He's holding a basketball, so I grab it and spin around and dribble in for a layup. I may or may not have played basketball in my lifetime. He laughs and runs at me but I spin around and make an A-shot. I pass the ball to him laughing. He held his hands up in surrender.

"Alright, alright. You are the queen, all hail Queen Maddlyn," he jokes. The use of Maddlyn sends chills up my spine. I shook it off and focused on Ryan, not Blake.

"Are you free for lunch?" I asked him. He walked over and put the basketball back on the rack and nodded. He took my hand and we walked out of the gym hand in hand-right into Blake. He was right outside the door and I accidently hit him with it.

"Oh my gosh, Blake are you okay?" I asked. I went over and put my hand on his back and looked at his head.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," he assured me. He straightened up and I noticed that I was still touching Blake. I retracted my hand slowly and slid it back into Ryan's.

"Okay, I'm glad you're okay," I say quietly. I wave and Ryan and I walk away. I can sense Blake watching us walk away, so I walk faster. Ryan slows down and chuckles.

"What's the hurry?" he laughs.

"Nothing nothing," I say quickly.

"Who was that?" He asks. I tense up.

"Just some kid in my class," I leave out the detail that he was in all of my classes. I pull his hand and we walk to the on-campus cafe.

"So, how was your class?" Ryan asked me as we sat down. I shrugged.

"It was okay. It was really boring," I explained. He nodded and picked up the menu.

"How was your class?" I questioned. "Or what did you even have today?" I giggle.

He laughed and said, "It was fine. I had my required math class today." I nodded and picked up my own menu.

We ordered and ate and talked about our day and then I checked the time and excused myself to go to my next class. I hustled over to the building and walked in and of course, Blake was waving me over to sit next to him. I obliged and walked over. He turned toward me as I put my stuff down and sat in the chair.

"So was that Ryan?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled at the mention of his name. He mumbled something under his breath but I didn't ask him to repeat it. I awkwardly sat there as Blake looked at me. I didn't meet his eyes and when I did, he jumped at the opportunity.

"Are you booked all day?" He said. I looked at the ceiling thoughtfully, pondering his question for some reason. I should lie and say yes, but what if I could make a friend?

"No, I guess not after this class," I answered. He nodded.

"So does that mean I could take you somewhere?" He asked quickly. I was taken aback.

"Um, I guess," I replied slowly. He smiled.

"Great. I'll take you to my apartment after class," he said and turned around to talk his friends. What did I get myself into?

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