47 - Casino

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I only briefly know how to play poker so I hate myself for chosing this game 😐
I didn't go into much detail because I didn't want to write multiple games. But I will in the chapter with Quackity!
Bare with me people

"This is incredible" George says gazing around the room. It was a huge luxurious room. Tables and slot machines at every corner with people surrounding each with a look of intent. The people themselves look like they were made of money, dressed up in colourful gowns and tailored suits

"Sap do you have eyes on us" Dream says quietly into the earpiece as him and George walk into the casino.

"Yeah, and your looking fine" Sapnap chokes back a laugh.

"There's no time for jokes" Dream rolls his eyes, straightening his suit tie. He turns looking down at George. "You look nervous" Dream says to him.

"Stand up straight, you've got this George. Remember what James taught you" Wilbur says into the earpiece.

George takes a deep breath and nods "I'm okay, I've got a bit of a headache from the scentblockers is all" George smiles reassuringly.

"We can always retreat, just say the word" Dream says putting a comforting hand on the small of his back as they walk.

"I can do this" George mumbles, mainly just to convince himself.

"I know you can baby" Dream whispers.

George stutters and shakes his head "I-if you call me that your going to throw me off"

"I'll try to hold back" Dream chuckles lightly.

"This way" George says eyeing up a table.

They approach and George takes a seat. The other players turning briefly to look at their new opponant.

"The starting bet is five thousand dollars" The dealer says shuffling the cards.

George was in shock. He looks up at Dream who was standing behind his chair protectively. Dream smiles seeing his reaction, it was obvious he's never played with such high stakes before. "Don't worry" Dream whispers throwing a stack of money to the dealer on the table. Who replaces it with poker chips.

The dealer than throws out two cards to each player and starts the game.

George takes a quick look at his cards.

The game ended quickly with George winning. They moved up to the higher table and played plenty of games. George was starting to get bored of playing. It was repetitive, concentrating and working out the probability of his cards compared to the ones of the table was exhausting.

"Full House" George sighs flipping his cards over.

"Fuck!" Another player yells revealing his cards in defeat.

"Another win" The dealer says looking at someone and nodding while pushing the poker chips over to George's side.

A couple seconds later a man approached "Excuse me"

"Yes" George nods trying to not look intimidated by the low level Alpha.

"I've been watching you play and I must say your skill is immeasurable" he says casually leaning against the table.

"I thought for such a highly aclaimed casino there would be more competition, but it appears not" George crosses his arms with a blank expression.

"I like your attitude" The man smirks. He reaches into his blazer and pulls out a card holding it out to George "if your looking for higher stakes, there's a private game tomorrow night with our top players. This is a one time invite so don't take it lightly"

George takes the card looking at it without interest "Prehaps I'll be there"

"I'll be waiting" the man says before walking away.

"Another game sir?" The dealer asks.

"No I'm done here" George shakes his head standing up. He turns to Dream and gestures to the exit.

"I'll bring the car around" Sapnap says through the earpiece.

They head out the entrance and get into the car, waiting for Wilbur and ommy before driving off.

"Sooooo?" Tommy asks filling the silence.

George pulls the card out of his pocket "success" he smiles.

"YESS!" Sapnap yells from the front.

Dream grabs George's waist pulling him onto his lap "I am so fucking proud of you" He says kissing him passionately.

"Ew I don't wanna' see that!" Tommy groans dramatically.

George giggles as they pull away.

"Who knew you was so good at poker" Wilbur says.

"I'm good at everything" George says smug.

"I like this new found confidence" Dream smirks down at him.

"Good because it's not going anywhere" George yawns leaning his head against Dream's chest.

"Get some rest, the real game starts tomorrow" Dream says calmly rubbing his back.

"I can't believe your playing with Quackity himself" Tommy says.

"He's going to recognise me" George mumbles as the realisation hits.

"That's okay. As long as we get in the same room as him" Dream says.

George's video was amazing!
I'm so excited for more videos!!!

Plus can we take a minute to talk about their house! That's huge!

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