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I was ready to head over to tanaka's place, letting my mom know where I was going as I headed out the door. "I'm heading to ryuuks. Dunno when I'll be back, don't wait up!" I called. 

"Okay yuu!" She called in return, humming the song she shared with my dad. I smiled, closing the door, and began walking. Ryu didn't live too terribly far away, so it wasn't a long walk, but I stopped when I saw something. It was asahi walking around in the park. I sent him a text that I'd be there soon, but wanted to talk to someone. I didn't wait for a response when I went closer to him, but stopped dead in my tracks. There was a girl with him, and a really pretty one at that. I felt sad about it for some reason, but I ignored the pang in my chest. But I watched from afar as he talked to her, and she ran away crying. He sighed and turned around as I looked on, wondering what was going on. 

He hadn't noticed me as he put on his headphones, and I heard marianas trench's 'stutter' begin to play, with humming from my soulmate. Huh. Kind of weird that it started to play just as he started his music. 

It would be weird to go up to him now, right? I mean, I think I just saw him reject someone, and he might want to be alone right now. Besides, he might think I was stalking him too. Ultimately I decided not to go up to him, and walked on, humming the song my soulmate was listening to. 

I arrived, still humming the song as it finished, and I smiled as I heard the familiar yelling of his house, and he opened the door. "Hey dude! Come on in." He moved out of the way, and I walked in, taking off my shoes. 

"Pardon the intrusion." I said as we went to his room. 

"So who was it you were talking to on the way here?"

"Well we didn't really talk, but I saw asahi in the park by your house."

"What the hell do you mean you didn't talk?"

"I was going to, but then this girl came up to him. He said something, she talked a bit, and after a minute she started crying and ran away." 

"Huh. You think it was a confession?"

"Dunno, maybe. But the weirdest thing happened after!"

"What are you talking about? What was so weird."

"Well he put on some music over his headphones, and my soulmate started listening to music at the same time. Crazy coincidence, right?" He looked at me, and laughed some. 

"Yeah! Real crazy!" We laughed about it, before he spoke again. "Dude, what if the two of you are soulmates?"  He said, no longer laughing. I stared off into space thinking of a domestic life together. It honestly was nice. "Bro, snap out of it. You're staring off into space again." I looked at him, and shrugged. 

"I mean, if he and I were soulmates, I can't say I'd hate it."

"Oh, that's why you were spaced out." He snickered. "Well the odds of that are super low. I guess we'll have to wait and see."

"Yeah. But what if it was actually true."

"If you're soulmates with asahi, then kiyoko's mine." He joked. But something in me screamed we were when I thought about it. But then again, I might be wrong.

"Yeah right. She's mostly got one of the other third years as a soulmate." We bickered for a while, making jokes about it. We both know we're joking. But part of me hoped he wasn't when he mentioned asahi. 


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