The Mummy Awakens

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That night I am sitting by the fire as I draw the details of the mummy in my book with it entirely on key, but I will have to spend some more time with him to get all the details down pat. The Americans approached our group with their treasure, scoring, "Say, O'Connell, what do you think these babies'll fetch back home?" Henderson questions as I look at them with a little frown on their antics. They are like a bunch of children showing off their shiny new toys, "We hear you boys found yourselves a nice, gooey mummy. Congratulations." Burns comments as they sit down for me to shake my head as I look back to the finished drawing, "If you dry that fella out, you might be able to sell him for firewood." Daniels laughs as his friends join in on the laughter; O'Connell fakes a laugh as I roll my eyes at the boys I will never understand while Evie comes over with something in her hands, "Look what I found." Finally, Evie tells the group while approaching her, quite excited about her find, "You're in her seat. Now!"

O'Connell orders Beni as I sit next to Jonathan, tucking some brown hair behind my ear while I concentrate, "Yup." Beni answers as he gets up while my sister sits down in her stop between our brother and O'Connell for me to glance at her and then back at my drawing, "Scarab skeletons, flesh eaters. I found them inside our friend's coffin." Evie explains as I look over to her in interest as I pick one up out of her, to turn the Scarab over with my fingers with me licking my lips on these little buggers that would have eaten that guy alive, "They can stay alive for years feasting on the flesh of a corpse. Unfortunately for our friend, he was still alive when they started eating him." Evie tells us, as I find it quite gruesome for the news we need, "So somebody threw these in with our guy, and then they slowly ate him alive?" O'Connell asks as I breathe in, it's true, and I do not like the sound of that, "Very slowly." I mumble out, which earned a look my way, but I brush it off quickly while placing down my book and pencils, "He certainly wasn't a popular fellow when they planted him." Jonathan points out that he must have done something unforgivable to land in that situation, "Well, he probably got a little too frisky with the pharaoh's daughter." O'Connell pitches in as I hand my bug back to Evie O'Connell pokes the fire for me to roll my eyes at the man, "Well, according to my readings... our friend suffered the Hom-Dai, the worst of alI ancient Egyptian curses... one reserved only for the evilest of blasphemers. In all of my research, I've never heard of this curse having been performed." Evie rambles out for me to grip my hands on my notebook, so we opened the coffin of someone nasty; yay us, "That bad, huh?" O'Connell pitches in as I want my part in all this as I lick my lips a little, "Yes, well, They never used it because they feared it so much. It is so written that if a victim of the Hom-Dai should ever arise to walk the earth... they would bring with them the ten plagues of Egypt." I tell the people in the circle for them to lose their stomaches a little on my words as I smile softly at them liking it that I still got it, "but I suspect we are safe here, boys" I tell them in a joking manner as they breath out for me to roll my eyes at them, they are scared I can see that such a bunch of babies. 

People began to fall asleep as I was resting on the pillar holding my gun when Evie snuck away and then came back with the book of the dead for me to sigh. She is a menace to me. She placed the book on a little bench as O'Connell and Beni were asleep in the background, "That's called stealing, you know." O'Connell then comments with his eyes closed which has me look over to him and then back at my sister shaking my head at her actions, "According to you and my's called borrowing." Evie explains while going through Jonathan's shirt to pick up the key for me to stop leaning while looking at her with wonder on what she is planning, but I thought the book was supposed to be made of gold, "and I thought that the Book of Amun-Ra was made out of gold." I question as we sit down next to Evie. As we watch her wonder about the features of this book that I wish to read, "It is made out of gold. This isn't the Book of Amun-Ra. This is something else. I think this may be the Book of the Dead." Evie explains while opening the key for me to look at her that with horror, you mean that book that we are not to read, oh this is going to be thrilling, "The Book of the Dead? Are you sure you want to be playing around with this thing?" O'Connell questions as I look to my twin on that this is not something we play around with, Evie, and you know that. 

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