The Black-hooded man

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What happened to fall through the roof was a sarcophagus which had me place down my book to move over to it slowly as Jonathan turned to look at it, "Oh, my God. It's a...It's a sarcophagus." Evie explained that as we looked up where it was buried for me to breathe, I looked up there, "It was buried at the base of Anubis. Well, at least he must have been someone of great importance." I comment as I look at the sarcophagus in wonder as I touch it softly, running a finger on the Egyptian written there, "Or he did something very naughty." Evie mentions for me to look at her, shaking my head at him, probably someone who did something unforgivable. 

We dust off the name for me to look at it with a tilt of my head as some dark locks of hair move slightly, "Well, who is it?" Jonathan asks as I look to him to give us some time, "He That ShalI Not Be Named." Evie answers as I look at her, ok, that helps a lot. O'Connell then blows on the sarcophagus to reveal a lock for me to be curious about: "This looks like some sort of a lock." O'Connell points out for me to look at him, yeah, it seems like that, "Well, whoever's in here sure wasn't getting out." While standing there, Jonathan comments as I roll my eyes at them, "Yeah, no kidding."

O'Connell pipes in as I look at him with a realistic look, "It'd take a month to crack into this thing without a key." O'Connell tells Jonathan as something clicks in my twin's head, "A key? A key! A key! That's what he was talking about!" Evie was repeating as she ran over to me, opening my bag to filter through things so I could watch her a little, "Who? Was talking about what?" O'Connell asks me to shake my head as I look back to my twin, wondering what she is on about, "The man on the barge. The one with the hook. He was looking for a key." Evie explained as she pulled it out for me to smile at Jonathan, knowing I stole it from him because I was studying it, "Hey, that's mine." our big brother commented for me to give him a sorry look on taking it, but it was research purposes. 

Evie put the puzzle box into the lock to smile at us with the biggest smile, but then it was gone in a second when we heard screaming for me to turn to look that way in fear of what it was as O'Connell raised his guns and we begin to run that way for me to follow suit with my blood pumping in my ears. Finally, we come into a hallway. As the Warden comes in, gripping his head, he pushes past us; then I follow him with my eyes when he bashes head first into the wall for me to look at him in shock at what I just experienced. 

That night I am sitting by the fire with the flames licking upward to find the Warden funny, but he is gone, which is scary what happened down there, "What do you suppose killed him?" Evie asks as I sit with her and Jonathan while O'Connell walks in, "Did you ever see him eat?" Jonathan asks as I look at that; what is he on about? O'Connell then came to sit with us as well, "Seems that our American friends had a little misfortune of their own today. Three of their diggers were, uh... melted." O'Connell explains as my stomach churns on the news, "What?" Evie and I say together as I gulp this place is creepy; 

I can feel it more clearly now, "How?" Jonathan asks as I turn my eyes to O'Connell, "Salt acid. Pressurized salt acid. Some kind of ancient booby trap." O'Connell tells us as I look to him for me to know this is all spooky, but I don't believe it, not for one second, "Maybe this place really is cursed." Jonathan comments while throwing a little twig on the fire, which the wind took a little to have it move for me to watch as the men share a look, "Oh, for goodness' sake, you two!" I hiss out at them as they look at me as Evie is on the same wave link as me, "You don't believe in curses?" O'Connell questions my twin and me as I sit cross-legged, saying, "No, we don't. We believe if we can see it and we can touch it, it's real." Evie explains as I nod at her words, "That's what we believe." As I look at the men, Evie has always been on the same wave link about all this curse stuff, "I believe in being prepared." O'Connell tells us to crank his gun, which has me roll my eyes at him as I look back at the fire, "Let's see what our friend the warden believed in." Jonathan comments for me not to find this funny. 

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