The Truth

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We didn't have to be told twice as we load up our animals and ride out of that place, not wishing to stick around for the blood bath that awaits the man that I am growing to like a little, but I will not voice it one bit to anyone in my life. The morning was rising as we rode into Fort Brydon in Cairo for me to sit there a little tied on the long trip and to feel a storm was on the way as the clouds were turning grey overhead. I end up sitting on my sister's bed in her room, reading the book that I secured from my room as O'Connell was trying to help Evie pack, which is not working well at the moment, "I thought you said you didn't believe in that fairy tales and hokum stuff. Shoo!" O'Connell remarks as he tells the cat to go away at the end of his sentence; Evie takes the cat away to place it on the bed next to as I am reading for me to stroke its head while continuing to read my book, "H- Having an encounter with a 3,000-year-old walking, talking corpse... does tend to convert someone." Evie says as she takes her clothes out of the suitcase; ok, she doesn't want to leave, yippie for me, "Forget it. We're out the door, down the hall, and we're gone." O'Connell declares as Evie puts her clothes back in the wardrobe, but O'Connell puts more clothes in from the drawers into the suitcases instead, "Oh, no, we are not."

Evie declares as I roll my eyes at my sister. She is strong-willed. I will tell her, "Oh, yes, we are." O'Connell answers while picking up a pile of books. As I look a little at them, they will not get anywhere with all this arguing, "Oh, no, we are not. We woke him up, and we are going to stop him." Does Evie state as I look at them with a raised brow why is it classed as a 'We' now when Evie was the one that stole the book and read it, "We"? What we?" O'Connell questions as I pitch in as well on this conversation as O'Connell is growing irritated, "We didn't technically read that book." I tell her as she looks at me with a bit of glare that I am taking O'Connell's side on all of this, "not the time, Lizzy", she hisses out as I throw my hands in the air as I leave the room while holding my book to my chest not in the mood for my twin at the moment who thought we revived the dead mummy Imotpe, "I told you not to play around with that thing. Didn't I tell you?" I heard O'Connell tell my sister as I left for me to sit in the garden reading my book; this has gotten out of hand quickly, and I plan to get out of here as soon as possible, but it seems that Evie wishes to stay so I will stick around for her becuase she needs to be safe. After I finished a chapter, I decided to go inside to the bar to see the men drinking, which has me sit down next to my brother as I take his shot glass when Winston leaves for Jonathan to glare at me as I swig it down in one hit as it burns when it hits the throat. Still, I will not deny it felt good, and I need this burning feeling. the Americans then join us as Jonathan pours another drink for himself, "We're alI packed up, but the damn boat doesn't leave till tomorrow morning." Henderson tells us as I look at them, wishing we could go with them, but I will not leave my sister here to fight her own battles at mummy's hands, "Tail set firmly between your legs, I see." Jonathan mocks for me to knock his shoulder with a glare; not the time, Jonathan, "You can talk. You don't have some sacred walkin' corpse after ya." Henderson tells us as Jonathan downs his drink in one gulp. I then slowly look over at Daniels. With what happened to Burns, he is taking this pretty hard: " So, how's Burns going?" I ask as he looks at me a little; I try to help as much as I can, but there is not that much I can do when the patient has no eyes and tongue at all to patch up with, "He had his eyes, and his tongue ripped out. How would you be?" Daniels explains as I gulp in, looking at the bottle of alcohol to take it as I down a couple of gulps and then place it on the bar, breathing out as Daniels leaves us for me to know this is not the tale to tell people when they return to America. 


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