The End

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The next day I am spinning around in a sand tornado for me to hate this; whose idea was it for me to tag along on this bloody adventure, not mine, I suspect. We are then spat out for Beni to land on my legs which I hit him for because he was the one that took me away from Ardeth that I am missing the Egyptian leader, "Get off of me! Get off!" I yell while I hit him, not wishing to be rude, but I want out of this danm desert and somewhere safer than here, "I need a new job." Beni comments as I sit on my knees next to my sister, watching as the sand tornado slowly vanishes to reveal Imhotep standing in clothing fit for sacrificing my sister. Imhotep walks down to us for me to notice where we are, making me pale in shock as he passes us, "Oh, my God. We're back." I whisper as Beni spits out sand next to me as Evie looks around, fearing for me to place a careful hand on her to let my sister know I am here for her.

Imhotep then looks up to the sky, hearing the buzz of an aircraft for me to look at it in happiness as we stand up looking at the plane that I am happy to see right now, "O'Connell." Evie mumbles out as I smile a little at her on that; she has it hard, "Bay," I whisper under my breath so no one hears, but it seems that Imhotep does not want the gunslinger or the leader here to rescue us becuase he then roars in anger, making a sand wall across the land as the ground shakes beneath my feet making to steady myself. The sand storm chases after the men in the plane as a face looks like Imhotep's. O'Connell then decided to fire at it with the gun, which had me shake my head at him; he is an idiot when it comes down to it; I don't know how my sister likes him. Imhotep then opens his mouth and has the sand storm face open its mouth and then swallow my friends and brother for me to gulp in, not liking this, "Stop it!" Evie yells I do not want this to happen, "You're going to kill them!" I tell the priest while my sister steps forward as I watch in horror what is happening to the men in the storm; I rake my hands through my hair that has fallen out of its bun, "That's the idea." Beni answers as I give him a slight glare on that, not wanting him to answer for Imhotep. Evie rushed over to push Beni out of the way to stand next to Imhotep, whose eyes were closed in concentration. I watch as the sand storm will kill the man I decided was actally good for me and I love right now.

Evie then went on impulse to stop this madman from killing the people we love to sprout a kiss on the mummy for me to go wide-eyed in shock at the kiss. Imhotep was taken aback by all this as Evie turned him so she could see the sand wall, which had me look back as it vanished, which had me breathe in with happiness that they would be ok. I look at Evie with me, knowing she did the right thing in kissing Imhotep; I smile at my sister for saving the men; I then turn my eyes back to the aircraft that is still flying well kinder, until I hear the spluttering of the engine for me to winch on that as the plane flys overhead and then it crash lands when it goes over a dune for there to be a cloud of sand for me to hope they are all ok, "I love the whole sand walI trick. It was beautiful. Bastard." Beni praises Imhotep, which has me look over at him with a glare. It was not beautiful. It was disgusting to the eyes, and I wish not to stick around for all of this crap. 

We are led into Hamunaptra and down into the deep caves of it for me to lick my lips while walking next to my sister, who has a tight grip on my hand as we walk to the stop as we watch Imhotep for me to gulp in a while standing there while feeling fear on entering here, "Keep moving!" Beni tells us as he pushes me with the gun, which has me turn to look at him with a glare on my features, "You know nasty little fellows like you always get their comeuppance." I hiss out as he looks at us, laughing at my words, thinking that I am joking, "Really? They do?" Beni asked me to nod with a frown on my lips, "Oh, yes. Always." I answer as I walk off, leaving Beni behind as I lead my sister after Imhotep, who begins to prepare for the sacrifice. While we were preparing, we heard a gun fire for us to look up for me to smile at who it was, "O'Connell." Evie says I know that Jonathan and Ardeth are with him, which makes me feel relief, knowing he is here to save us.

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