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they say these are the golden years. . .

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Questions her mother, Diana, would not answer. These questions specifically revolved around the enigma that was Wren's father. Growing up, Wren was given the whole 'your father was a traveller who didn't want to settle down' spiel, but as she got older she realised that was a bullshit lie to keep her mother from having to answer anything personal — because if that happened, Wren ( who is a very smart girl ) would be able to take those minute details and figure out who exactly her dad was. And because her mum was absolutely adamant on not talking about him, Wren was given no choice but to become the next Sherlock Holmes.

After snooping around her bedroom, she managed to find the diaries her mum had kept when she was pregnant, but after reading them, she kinda wished she had listened to her mother in the first place. Because, according to the journals, she had been travelling with a man called 'The Doctor' around the time she got pregnant. Wren couldn't find any mention of another man with them on their travels either. But the weirdest (or worst) part? The Doctor is an alien.. from like, a whole other planet?

Wren may believe in creatures from other planets but now there's a chance one of them might be her father?! Really, the sixteen-year old couldn't believe it but all the evidence was right there!

However, like a true detective would, Wren needed to do two things before she came to a conclusion: A. Get as much information on her suspect as she could, and B. Confirm her hypothesis in real time.

The first part was easy. She met a man called Clive who told her as much as he knew — which included the fact that her possible alien sperm donor had cropped up all throughout history.. which means he's either immortal OR he can time travel.... But really? An alien, maybe, but a time-travelling one? Wren left shortly after, but this is where everything really started to go downhill, more than it already had.

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