The first day

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All the children who were at the school square took place at giant tables. Ember took place at the end of the table because she was almost the last person who came in. Fabiëne took place right beside her. Everyone was still talking to each other but the person who was sitting right besides wasn't talking to anyone. He was just staring at his hands. Ember looked at him real sneaky so he didn't notice. "Do I have something on me?" The boy turned his face to her. His eyes were pure white, almost like her hair. But it looked like he wasn't looking at ember or Fabiëne. Ember started talking again with Fabiëne. Suddenly she got the chills. She turned around again and saw the boy holding her cloak. "Why were you looking at me?" He still didn't look at Ember but she just knew now that he was talking to her. Before she could say anything there was a loud noise at the end of the room. The boy let go of embers cloak and turned to the place where the teachers were standing. It was really obvious that one of them wanted the attention of all the people in the room. "We will now let you all know who is your mentor for this school year. So please listen really carefully so you don't miss your name!" Ember was relieved. "Saved by the teacher."

After a long hour only hearing names all the children are start walking behind there mentor to the classes. Ember got in the same class as Fabiëne so that is at least someone she knows and lucky enough the guy with white eyes isn't in her class. They arrived at the class after a while and took a seat. "Hello everyone I am your mentor and teacher for the wind wizards and mages here. My name is miss Julia." Meanwhile she is writing down her name. Suddenly someone stand up. "But miss aren't we supposed to call every teacher by their last name?" The teacher laughed. "No, you can call them the way they like to get called. Like I really like to just get called Julia. That way we can create a sort of friendship even to I am the teacher and you all are here to learn." The person who asked it sat down again. "So let's start with introducing ourselves will you children?" She looked at the person who was sitting at the other end of the class. "Can you start please?" The one who she looked at stood up and began to introduce himself to the whole class. "Hello, my name is Joseph. I'm 16 years old and my powers are to control the lightning element." He sat down and the person behind him stood up. If it was going this way then Ember should be as last.

Just after a few minutes it was Fabiëne's turn. She stood up "H-H-Hello, mine name is Fabiëne, I'm 16 years." She wanted to go and sit but remembered she forgot something. "Ow and I can control the power of Ice." She sat really fast. Now it was Embers turn "Ow lord. What am I going to say!" she stood up and was silence for a few second thinking of what she was going to say. Then she started. "Well It is my turn now. Hello, my name is Ember. I am 17 years old and I don't have any ideas what my powers are. I just got send here by the king who was telling me I got one of the legendary powers. But I don't believe it because I cant cast a single spell." After that Ember sat down. Everyone was quiet and was looking at her. Even Fabiëne. Ember almost got the feeling to yell at them but at the same time she knew that it only would make her mad. "Uhm. Oke everyone. Thank you all for introducing yourself. Now that this is done we all need to head back to the great hall." The teacher looked at Ember "And I want to talk to you some more Ember. Stay here with me please." Everyone stood up and walked outside. they walked to the great hall where the head of the school awaited them. "Where is your teacher?" He looked around in search for their teacher. He couldn't see her. "Our teacher is talking with one of the other kids out of our class." The boy who introduced himself as one of the first people said it to the head of the school. "She will come a bit later I think but she said we needed to go here." The head of the school agreed and gave the class a table to sit. It was really close to the door so they could see what happened in the hallway.

"So you are thinking you're the funny person of the class? Well let me tell you that it isn't funny to say you can't cast any spells and just got send here by the king because you have some kind of legendary power." Julia was clearly mad and she was talking with Ember. Ember got a little confused because her teacher went from a really kind person to a really mean and awful teacher. "But miss I swear. I didn't come up with it! How stupid it sounds. It's the truth." "Do you even know a single thing about the legendary powers? What are they and where are they used for!" Julia backfired immediately. Ember didn't need to think long because she when the other day to the library and looked it up. And they sounded so easy to explain. "The powers are nature and darkness. Nature meant your using the area around you as your advantage and use all the magic you can find in it and darkness sounds more like a power that lets you get unnoticed really quick." She looked at Julia but shook her head. "You are right over the elements but not where they are used for. I won't tell you where they are used for because it almost sounds like you just came up with this stupid answer." Ember felt small. Even to she was standing right beside the desk of Julia and she was just sitting. But on the other hand Ember got madder every second because the teacher just didn't believe her story while it was true. She needed to sit down so she walked away from the desk of Julia. Then suddenly Julia grabbed her by her cloak. Ember got scared immediately but also she was getting more and more mad. And then it happened, she felt a heatwave come right from her chest filling her whole boddy with the heat, after that everything went black in front of her. She didn't know what she was doing. The next moment she felt that the grip of Julia loosened. Ember pulled away her arm and noticed she started running. Then she didn't know anymore what she did.

At the mean time at the great hall they heard a loud scream. Fabiëne looked at the hall and saw Ember running past with her eyes closed and her cloak waving behind her. Almost floating. Then a teacher ran to the place where the scream came from and saw that there was a girl standing there looking at a classroom. The teacher looked inside and saw miss Julia sitting on her chair with a wound on her arm and between her eyes. But she was still alive just shocked and she said something. The teacher came a bit closer and heard what she said. "Wind power. So powerful. She is ... she is ... a monster!" Julia opened her eyes wide open while saying that she was a monster.

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