The little village

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Ember walked besides Zerath but didn't know where they went. "There is this little village not for away from here. You can stay there for a while before you really will know something about yourself." It was like Zerath could read her mind so she wanted to ask him but before she could do that Zerath continued. "No I can't read your mind. But your face is giving it all away." Ember laughed. "I didn't know that." Zerath stopped and kneeled. "Climb on my back. This way we will go faster than walking." Ember didn't really needed to climb. She just jumped and sat down. Zerath lifted off and flew in east direction. "Thanks for letting me sit on your back Zerath. I mean really. My feet were so tired I could almost fall again." Ember laid her head on Zerath. Zerath seemed to smile. "No problem. It's the least I can do for you." Then he said something really quiet. "Huh? Did you say something?" Ember raised her head a bit. "Naah just talking to myself. Just try not to fall off oke?" Ember smiled and held herself good steady on Zerath's back. They flew over trees and over mountains. "Ember if you are cold tell me oke?" And again Ember smiled. "It's weird but I don't have it cold at all. It's really warm here. I like it." "How can it even be this warm at this height? Is it Zerath?" Ember closed her eyes. She loved that she was able to be in the air. Even tho she was on Zerath's back.

The group flew in the air not knowing where they needed to go. Did Ember spot them when they got attacked? Or did she return home. "Sir. Is there any change that Ember is already at home?" Ace who flew besides mister Jacobs now with his griffon came a bit closer. "No Ace. But if she came back to her home or the school then the people would send a bird or something after us." Everyone knew it was the right answer but still they had wished for a other answer. Then at that moment Frost sensed something and went to the right. Everyone immediately followed Frost. "Frost what is wrong? Why did you turn right all of a sudden?" Fabiëne who was still sitting on Frost her back leaned to the front. She noticed that Frost had a serious look on her face. "Frost?.. What's wrong...?" Fabiëne got scared. She never saw Frost like this in the time they had been together. "I sense a familiar smell. But if I am correct it shouldn't be there..." Fabiëne looked forward but she didn't see anything. Just a giant mountain. "Who is it then? And why shouldn't it be there?" Frost didn't answer for a while and just flew towards the mountain. The Griffons had some trouble with matching the speed from Frost. "Frost! Answer me please! Who is it and why shouldn't it be there?" Frost sighed. "I don't really recall the sense from who it is. But I know for sure I know it. I just know I met once it before you summoned me. And it's at the place of my home town.." Ace wondered if Frost even knew if her home town got killed by the dragons..

Zerath landed in the middle of a little town. The landing woke Ember up. "Wake up sleepyhead we have arrived." Ember jumped of Zerath's back but fell immediately backwards. "Whoops I think I tired my legs even more while holding you that tight." She laughed while she stood up again. Her legs were still shaking a bit. "Can you still walk little girl?" Ember looked behind her and saw a man standing beside Zerath. "Yeah I think I will manage to walk." She walked towards Zerath and the man. "Isn't he scared of Zerath because he is a dragon?" Ember shook her head. "There isn't any reason to be scared of him." "Ember this man will show you a place to stay. Rest here some more and try to find something that may be helpful to speed up the process of knowing who you are. And if you need me just ask this man." Zerath looked at the man. "Take care of you will you?" The man nodded and asked if Ember would follow him. They walked to a horse and climbed on it. "It's not that far from here. It's just a few streets away." And the man wasn't lying because just a few moments later Ember stood for a big house. "Wow nice house!" The man smiled and walked inside with Ember following. She got shown her room and she immediately laid down on the bed that was cleaned for her. "This bed is so comfy!"

"Frost look out! There is a giant mountain in front of us!" Fabiëne got scared because Frost just flew towards the mountain without trying to dodge it. "Frost!" She hit Frost on the back and it looked like that helped because Frost started flying higher and flew over the top of the mountain. "Frost... What's is wrong with you... You are acting weird. Please land somewhere." Fabiëne looked back and saw that the others came over the top after them. She signed them that they were going to land and if they wanted to follow. After a little while they landed on the ground. "Finally! I can't hold her much longer." They all looked at the Griffon where Misty and Gavina where on. They saw Misty fall off and after that Gavina jumped of the griffon and attached it on a tree. "Gavina what happened?" Anfaloz looked at Misty who was laying on the ground. "Now I will tell you! She fell asleep a while back so I had to hold her with one hand or else she fell off. And if I held her with 2 hands the Griffon would go crazy!" They all laughed and looked at Misty who was still sleeping. Even after falling on the ground. "So Fabiëne why did we stop?" Sophia stepped towards Fabiëne. "Well Frost is acting weird." Then they all heard something. "And uhm ... well I'm also a bit hungry." Fabiëne started to blush. And again they all laughed. "Well let's get some food then." Anfaloz looked at Gavina. "Can you get some food maybe?" She nodded. And ran off together with Kiba. "So what are we going to eat, meow!" It seemed Misty had woken up just by saying food. "You are always hungry!" Ace started laughing. "N-No, meow!. Not always, meow! At least most of the time, meow!" the others started laughing as well. They all had a lot of fun together but still they missed Ember.

"Sir. Where can I find a library here in town?" Ember stood at the bar by the man. "Well hello. Are you all rested up?" Ember nodded. "Yes. So I am going to find some information like Zerath told me." The man gave Ember information over the place where she could find info. It was a lot. "Wow I didn't know there were so many places. I will visit them all I think but it wouldn't be done in one day." The man smiled. "No problem little child. Just take all the time you want. But let's just say you come back before it gets really dark oke?" Ember nodded and waved while running out of the door. "So first the library at the square." She started running towards the square she landed with Zerath.

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