The search starts

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The group walked together with the queen to the roof. "So majesty, can you tell us why our teacher called you a master and disappeared like that?" The queen looked at Anfaloz. "Ask your own familiar. Then can explain it as well. They aren't just pets you know." She smiled. Anfaloz looked at Vetis. "Vetis can you tell me?" Vetis laughed. "That teacher of yours is a Familiar of the queen. And I saw that he uses the powers of the shadow so that means...." Vetis looked at the queen. "You control the power as well." The group looked at the queen. Power of shadow? They never heard about it. "It's a legendary power." The queen stopped and turned around. She noticed Ace looking at her. "But the legendary powers were darkness and nature right?" The queen nodded. "The shadow powers are more for supporting those two powers. Just like it says. Shadow. I shadow someone with one of those powers and help them." "But who are you supporting then?" Ace seemed to get it a bit. "Well, who do you think? Its someone of your little group." They all looked at Ace. "Me?" The queen laughed and shook her head. "No sorry. But I am not supporting you that much. I let my familiar do that. I am more interested in Ember even to she says she has no powers." A little while later they arrived at the roof and there they saw mister Jacobs with Frost. "Frost! I didn't know you arrived already!" Fabiëne ran towards Frost and hugged her. "All of you. Ember ran into a dangerous direction. Please don't follow her unless you know that injuries or even death is around every corner." Frost looked at the group. Then Anfaloz laughed. "I am not scared of injuries or death. I will show hell to the ones that attack me. I am getting Ember back with whoever joins." He looked around the group. Ace stepped beside him. "Come on people. It's about Ember. She is our friend remember." Then Fabiëne got angry. "Hey! I didn't say I wouldn't join!" She looked at Frost. "Where did she go?" before Frost could even say anything the queen answered. "Let me guess. She is in the lands of the dragons now?" Frost nodded. After hearing that everyone joined in. Even the queen. "Frost can you carry all of us?" Fabiëne looked again to Frost. "Well only a few of you but if I'm right then you can summon your familiar after we landed. As long as they aren't in the area at least." The other familiars nodded. "There isn't need for that. My knights have Griffins to fly with so I can ask if some of you can use some so the familiar can be with you." The queen ordered mister Jacobs to go and ask it since he is faster.

Ember just ran through the forest no knowing where she was going and still thinking of what the dragon said. "I have power without even knowing it? Oke yes I believe that a little bit. But I just can't use it when I want to!" Out of frustration Ember kicked against a little stone. If flew far away and came down in some bushes. Because that happened some animals in the area ran away. "Sorry!" The animals stopped when they heard her voice and turned around to look at her. "At least all the animals like me." Ember shook her head. Why did she think about that. She knew more people liked her. But then she realized that only the animals accepted her as she was. Sophia and the others just wanted her to grow strong so she could defend the city against the dragons. Now she was thinking about that how did that dragon know her name right after it got summoned? "AARG! So many questions without answers!" Ember signed. Her feet got tired so she looked around for a place to rest. Then she saw a mountain hidden behind the trees with a little cave in it. She ran to the cave and walking inside. There was a unpleasant smell here but she just had to take a quick rest before she blacked out. So she sat down at the wall from the cave by the entrance and fell in a few seconds asleep. The cave was cold at first when she entered but now it was warm. "Weird how quick it got warmer here. Ah well, I can't complain because it's not that bad."

"Guys we should rest now! It's getting dark!" Mister Jacobs yelled from the griffin in the middle. He also noticed that Gavina was getting a bit restless. She was pushing herself to not turn into a wolf while she was on the griffin. Fabiëne also noticed it and said against Frost that she needed to land on an open place. She pointed at a place she just saw so they all landed. Gavina jumped of the griffin and relaxed. Immediately she turned into an wolf. "Thanks Mister Jacobs!" She walked around together with Kiba looking if the place was save. Then she returned. "There is an gross smell near here. I don't like it that much." The group already had set up the camp. "Then we better need a guard every so often, meow. I will go first because I am not tired yet, meow!" She jumped over Thunder to show that she was full of energy and at the same time she challenged Thunder to come and play a bit around. "Well then its settled. Once the sun rises we will continue again." The queen looked at mister Jacobs. "Are you serious? What if we are still tired then?" The others laughed. "Majesty, you are such a little kid." The queen blushed. "Shh! And just call me Sophia now. Saying Majesty the whole time kind of irritates me. That's why you never heard Ember say it." "Oke Sophia!" they all said in perfect together while laughing. Then they choose a place to lay down and sleep.

Ember woke up and looked outside. It was dark but she couldn't see anything. Everywhere were clouds. Even tho it was just for an hour or so Ember felt good. "Well time to go further." She stood up and then she heard a voice. "So you are going now? Take me with you. It felt nice to be with you." Ember looked down in the cave but all she was seeing was darkness. "Oke where are you?!" She heard a laugh and then she saw it. Lights at the end of the cave. No those weren't lights! Those lights were eyes! Ember yelled! "What the! What are you!" She ran out of the cave and turned around to look at it. Ember was frozen solid because she was scared. "What is that back there!" Then she heard something big walk and a moment later she saw a head popping out of the cave. It wasn't a normal head that for sure. "What are you for animal?" Ember calmed down. The head smiled. "Don't be afraid of me. I won't do you anything. I am a dragon." "What! I was thinking dragons lived in a place far away from here!" Ember shook her head to get things sorted. The dragon laughed again. "Well you are wrong. You have entered the land of the dragons here. And may I ask you how you got here?" Ember was thinking for just a few second but she didn't know. "I just walked after my feet. I don't really have a place to go." The dragon smiled again. "Stay here then?" Ember shook her head. "No sorry mister dragon. But my feeling tell me that I should go just further." "Let me join you then. I don't have really anything to do here so." Ember laughed. "Sure! You seem friendly so why not." Then the dragon come fully out of the cave. He wasn't as big as Frost but he was still bigger then Ember. "Ow, by the way I am Ember." Ember looked at the dragon. "Yeah I know your name. I am Zerath. I am a dragon of lightning." Zerath started walking together with Ember. He didn't really looked like Frost at all. She had her wings by her fore legs. Zerath had his wings just on his back. "Zerath can I ask you something?" Zerath looked at Ember. "Hmm?" "Why do most dragons know my name before I tell them?" "You don't know that? Well that changes everything. Follow me I will bring you to something." Zerath turned right and started walking through the forest again. "Hey! Hold on!" Ember ran after Zerath before she lost him.

Fabiëne was on guard together with Frost. There was nothing to do so Fabiëne just sat on Frost her head talking to her. "So what are the other dragons like? Are they as tall as you are? Because you are almost as high as one of the houses front the city." Frost laughs silently. "No Fabiëne. Most dragons are smaller than me. Except the element dragon kings or queens. See I am the queen dragon from the element ice." Fabiëne jumped of Frost her head and looked at Frost. "In that case." Fabiëne bowed in front of Frost. "It's an honor majesty to have you as my familiar." Again Frost started laughing. "I can also say....." Frost got silent at once and looked at the forest. Fabiëne followed her look and ended in a dark forest. "What do you see?" Frost shook her head really carefully. "I don't see anything. But I smell it." Fabiëne looked to the front and noticed Gavina and Kiba beside her. "what the! What are you two doing here?" Gavina looked at Fabiëne. "There is something coming our way. And fast!" Fabiëne looked at the forest again and then she saw a giant shadow closing in fast. "Everyone wake up!" Fabiëne yelled as hard as she could. "Fabiëne that wasn't the smartest idea..." Fabiëne looked at Frost and saw that she was scared. What was coming their way!

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