Saved by a shadow and a Phoenix

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The group arrived at the town square without Ember. Sophia had said against Mister Jacobs that if the dragons would be really close he has to come inform them. Meanwhile the group split up to inform all the people who lived in the village to stay in their house with everything closed. Gavina had send Kiba to their school to maybe get some help from the teachers or the students from the higher classes. After a few minutes Mister Jacobs appeared by Sophia and informed that it wouldn't take long anymore for the dragons to arrive so they all grouped again at the square. Mister Jacobs looked at the group. "Maybe it's a smart idea to summon your familiars." Then he looked at Ace. "You just need to be careful with what you're doing. After this we are going to research why you couldn't summon a familiar." Ace shook his head. "I heard a voice before I told those were dragons. It was the voice of my familiar so I just think it's not the time yet." Ace smiled after that, but his smile wasn't for long because they looked up and the first dragon had arrived. Fabiëne got on the back of Frost. "I will go up there and keep them from damaging the village." Frost ascended in the sky. Anfaloz grabbed Ace by his arm. "Let's go help the guards. You will be better there because there are trees just beside the wall." Anfaloz and Ace ran off to the guards at the walls. "Well then it's our task to keep the people save." Sophia looked at Misty. "Can you set up a barrier together with me?" Misty nodded. "Then I will start searching for Ember. Because what is taking her so long!" Gavina ran away between the houses while saying that. Misty and Sophia made a big barrier to keep any attacks out. "Well well Misty. It seems your defensive magic has grown." Misty blushed a little bit. "Thanks miss Sophia, meow. It is a honor that I am aloud to help you, meow."

Anfaloz and Ace arrived at the gate and just like Anfaloz expected there were dragons at the gate. An guard saw them coming. "You people! Run now we can hold them back!" Anfaloz shook his head. "We are not going to run! Ace your turn." The guard fell of the wall because a dragon fired at him but he got caught by Vetis. Then the guard looked at the gate. It wouldn't last for long anymore. The first iron started the bend but then he didn't believe his eyes. The dragon got thrown back by a tree. The tree stepped in front of the gate and almost merged with it. The guard looked at Anfaloz and Ace and noticed that Ace his eye was glowing. "Are you doing that?" Ace nodded. Anfaloz walked towards Vetis. "Ace will you support the wall so it doesn't break down? I will hold them off." Anfaloz laid his hand on Vetis shoulder and Vetis jumped over the wall. Ace used the ground to lift him on the wall. The guard looked shocked. Then other guards came to help him and they saw only Ace standing there. They climbed up on the wall and then they also saw Anfaloz. A big blue fire ring was placed on the ground. It looked like an mark. "Everything oke Ace?" Anfaloz looked at Ace and noticed the other guards. "Hay!" The guard were immediately in shock. "What are you doing here demon?" Then Ace turned around and looked at them. "Don't you dare call him a demon." A branch of a tree hit them of the wall. The guards landed beside the first guard. "Don't worry guys. Those people are here to help us." The other ones where looking towards Ace and the fire that was coming above the wall. "Well then we are damn lucky."

Fabiëne and Frost flying in the sky just below the other dragons. "Frost why don't they attack us?" Frost looked up. "It's because I am also a dragon and they didn't notice you yet." Then an dragon who was a little smaller then Frost flew in front of them. "Hello my queen. I didn't know you was here as well. Where did you go that day?" Fabiëne tried to hide as good as possible. "And who may you be?" Frost looked at the dragon. It was a silver colored dragon. "It's me, Spiral. I was one of your helpers." Frost stopped moving and just hang there in the sky. "Sorry but I don't remember you. But what is the goal here?" Spiral looked at Frost. "If you don't know. Why are you here then?" Spiral looked good at Frost. At that moment Fabiëne slipped and fell. Frost grabbed Fabiëne and put her on her back again. "I see. So you are on the human side now?" Frost nodded. "If you were my helper you always knew I was against the kings order to destroy the humans." At that moment Spiral hit Frost hard with his tail. "Guys! Here is a traitor!" Spiral flew up and pointed at Frost. Some dragons noticed it and flew down to attack Frost.

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