The voice of lightning

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The group was still sitting around Gavina who was in the meantime changed back to human form. "Frost what was that all about back up there?" Fabiëne sat beside Frost who had transformed also in a human. "It was one of the people who protected me when I was still a part of the dragon side. But I got away because they started attacking the humans. I had a really important human friend who saved my life once. I couldn't leave him." Fabiëne nodded. "I can understand that. If someone important is on the side where they wanted to attack I would do everything to protect that person." The group stood up and was ready to go towards the castle but then Ember came. "Hey already leaving? I tied Zerath up in the woods. He ran towards me and tried to attack me." They looked at Ember. She had the cap of her coat on. "Why are you walking like that Ember? What happened to you?" Anfaloz came closer to looks better but Ember stepped away. "Please don't come near me. I am full of bruises and wounds. I got baited into the forest by some lizards." Misty walked past Ember. "Then it's my turn now to finish it, meow. You just all go back towards the castle, I will see you soon meow." With that said Misty ran towards the forest with Thunder before they could stop her. "Well then shall we had back?" Sophia looked at the group. Together they got back to the castle.

"So what are you planning on doing?" Thunder walked beside Misty. "Why didn't you just go back like everyone else?" Misty sighed. "This dragons power is almost the same as mine, meow. I just want to show him that I am still stronger, meow. And maybe he knows something about me, meow." Thunder stopped for a second. "So that is what it is. I get it now." He ran back beside Misty's side. After a while the found Zerath. He wasn't tied up like Ember said. He was just there bleeding from his left wing. "So you have come little one." Mist sat down at a tree. "You are not going to kill me?" Zerath turned towards Misty. "And you're just going to ignore me?" Misty sighed again. "Say. Do you know anything about me, meow?" Zerath laid down. "Why should I tell you?" he laughed. "Well I can make an end to your suffering right now, meow? Or do you just want to life with that giant hole in your wing, meow?" Zerath looked at his wing and then back at Misty. "You got a point there. The princess is unthankful and egoistic after what I had done for her. But yeah. I know some things about you." Misty stood up really fast. "Tell me! Tell me how I can improve myself to not get to far behind the others!" Zerath laughed. "I can't tell you HOW to improve. I just can tell you who and what you are." Thunder, who was hiding all the time in the forest behind Misty, stepped towards Misty. "Misty relax and just listen." Misty looked at Thunder. "Do you know what he is going to tell, meow?" Thunder shook his head. "If I did I would of told you long ago when you asked me." Misty sat back down at the tree. "Well start to tell." Zerath tried to stand up. But fell back down because of his injured wing. "Hmm, seems I have to."

The others came back in the castle. Ember looked around. "Where is mister Jacobs?" Sophia smiled. "I did send him to your school to inform them that they are safe because of the fight you guys put up against the dragons." She called a person to order something to drink for everyone. Ember did her cap finally of. "Well it seems your wounds have been healed already Ember." Fabiëne looked at her. Ember nodded. "Only your eyes still look weird. They are still gold." Ember closed her eyes and smiled. "It because of the power I have. It is still active."

"So what do you want me to begin with in my story about you?" Misty was thinking for a short time. " Tell me first what and who I am, meow." Zerath nodded. "Oke I will tell you. You are like you already know a half human half cat. But not just a normal cat. You are one of the most exterminated species." Misty nodded. "Yeah I knew that already because I haven't seen anyone like me yet, meow." "Did you also know that you are more powerful than me misty? Your species were the once who could out power a normal dragon. But not a queen or the princess." Misty didn't know how to answer that. She was just quiet. "Well guess you didn't know that. Each of your species has his or her own power. They get to know their power on a separate way. Each one has their own way. You just have to find yours." Zerath laughed. "You could ask the head of your species but he is dead. We already took over the village where your species was located." Zerath started laughing more. "Oke then, meow. See this as a revenge thingy, meow." Before Zerath knew what Misty meant a giant lightning bolt came from the sky and stroke Zerath. "This doesn't has any effect on me and you know that." Zerath looked at Misty. She just sat there at the tree. Thunder walked towards her. "Misty please stop wasting your power on him." Then Zerath and Thunder noticed that Misty was just laughing quietly. Her hand started to turn more in claws. The lightning from the sky stopped at once. "It was just to test something." Misty looked at Zerath. He got scared. Where Misty first sat was now a lynx standing. Her eyes were bright green and her teeth were really sharp and her voice was changed. "You pissed me off with that last thing you said. I came from that village. My family was there. You WILL pay for that." And again lightning came out of the sky but this time it wasn't on Zerath. It was on Misty. She stood on 4 legs now and started singing. Zerath was confused. "Why are you singing? Are you unable to fight?" he laughed. Then came the moment. Circles appeared on the ground around Misty. In the circle were notes. "So that is what your power is. One of the most rarest lightning powers. The voice of the lightning gods. I am happy to...." Before Zerath could finish he got hit by a giant shockwave coming from Misty. Even when Zerath was a dragon of lightning it had a massive effect on him. He got fired backwards into a cliff. The cliff shattered into pieces. The lightning stopped and Misty walked towards Zerath. "Well... done...kid..." Zerath closed his eyes and his head fell on the ground. Then he started to disappear into little light bulbs that were going towards Misty. "I am happy to offer you my power little one." Misty changed back into a human. "Well it appears you have found your true power Misty." Thunder smiled at her. Misty looked at Thunder. "Why would you think that?" Thunder pointed at a lake with his head. "Try to notice it yourself." Misty walked to the lake and looked into it. Then she saw it. Her ears where longer and more pointier and her fur was also different. "This is weird. Are these my ears?" She grabbed her ears and nodded. "Yup these are my ears." She laughed. "And did you also notice you talk different? Normally you always meow after you say something." Misty nodded. "So my powers are based on soundwaves with lightning. I am still wondering why he wasn't tied up."

After a while the group was walking towards there school. "I wonder where Misty is." Gavina was looking around and saw Misty in the shadows. "Hey there you are!" Gavina ran towards Misty and misty walked out of the shadows. Gavina stopped running. "Yeah I changed but don't be scared please." Gavina shook her head. "I am not scared. I am glad for you that you found your power. I can notice it." Misty nodded her head. "You know. I can do something just like you!" Misty jumped in the air from happiness and landed as a lynx on the ground. "Boo."

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