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Hello everyone ! 

I hope you all are doing good and amazing in life. I'm making this announcement to let you all know, that I'm starting another brand new book. Which is also a completely different trope from whatever I'd ever written. 

And Indian, school life, teenage romance. 

It's a rom-com. 

Main tropes : Fake Dating, friends to lovers, teenage romance. 

Here's the synopsis if any of you are interested :

Look At me 

Honestly, a stupid teen crush phase is something we have all been through. Aashna Gupta was no special. Only that her crush wasn't too. He was the opposite from the guy every girl in the school swooned over. And Aashna thought that's her forte, being into the most non-popular guys. If anything , she was repelled by how some kids thrived over somethings just because of that sole reason. Their popularity. Which they had done nothing to gain, except for being attractive. Maanik Singh was one of those students. Or maybe he wasn't and Aashna was just too soon to judge. Either way, their paths had to cross, if Aashna has any plan to gain the attention of the guy she's been crushing over since last couple of months. And the only way of doing that was when none other than Maanik Singh himself offered to help her doing just that. Only, his idea was slightly baffling. Or was it ? Surely fake dating one of the most popular guys in your school couldn't be that bad, if you wanted to catch the attention of the person you're longing for. But.... life is life, crushes are stupid, and feelings are fragile. Both Aashna and Maanik never expected the turns their lives took after just one day of knowing each other. But when looking too closely, they didn't think they wanted it to turn back around. Only they need to figure it out. How to keep and save the secrets, and how to grow. Maybe together.

I hope you guys end up liking it if you give it a try ! A big thanks in advance ! 

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