16. Secrets are enemy of love.

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Song : Never say Never . 

By : The fray 

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I banged the door close with a really loud thud and slided down ,my back pressing against it . Tears were running down from my cheeks . I don't know what came over him . I just said I am able to take care of myself , and he lashed out on me like that . 

What's wrong with him? 

God where have I gotten myself into!!

I just wanted a normal man . A normal married life with someone . And life with Ayansh will be anything but normal . What kind of man he actually is? I want to know now . It's enough . Urgghh ...

I pulled at my hair and groaned . I don't even know why I am so hurt . It's not even that I like him!! Do I? 

Ohh my God ... Have I started liking him? Isn't this too soon? 

Who am I kidding ? it's me we are talking about . 

God , what if he was just putting up a fake mask up till now . What if the actual Ayansh is the one who I just met with downstairs . 

No !! Please . 

I cried more thinking about it . I want to go back home . These two things aren't even related . I don't know why I am missing home . My momma , Ishaani . 

My throat felt more heavy thinking about all the things . My weak self is coming back . 

Ayansh didn't even come to check on me . Do I really want him to see me? Yes , Yes I do . I want to know , scratch it , I needed to know he cares . I needed an assurance that he just behaved that way because of certain circumstances , I need to know that the Ayansh I saw downstairs , it wasn't the real him . 

I was done crying . I stood up and wiped my tears from my face . I opened the door and walked to his room . Not caring about if my eyes are blood shot and my lips and eyes both were swollen from crying . I don't care if I look like a cry baby . I need to know what went wrong . 

I banged on his door . 


I pounded my fists more furiously . "Ayansh Malhotra , I dare you to open the door this second" I shouted . 

"Ayans-" He opened the door and I stopped mid sentence , or mid shouting for that matter. 

He didn't look up at my face . Just opened the door and went inside again and set on the bed , his face in his hands .

"What do you want?" he snapped. 

I flinched a little from his tone , but didn't snap back at him again . 

"I want to know what went wrong ?" I asked him in a low voice , because it was already cracking .

"Nothing . Everything " he said with a gap of some seconds.

"But we need to talk this out" I tried to reason with him.

"No , we don't you can get lost." he snapped again , and I felt the pool of tears forming in my eyes again . This time these were angry tears. 

"I won't until we sort this out" I said with gritted teeth.

"Ha! how pathetic one can be" he said chuckling darkly . Why isn't he even looking at me?

"What's wrong with you ?  Here am trying to work our problems out and-"

"Can't you see ?, are you blind? There's nothing to work out between between us. There's no US" he shouted suddenly standing up , but his back was facing me .

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