11.The Welcome event.

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SONG: you don't know you're beautiful 

by: one direction


I opened my eyes , and shut them close instantly , because of the bright sun rays sneaking their way up to my room . 

Well no offence to you pretty rays , I love you any time , but right now , just piss off . 

I wonder why I forgot to draw the hanging pieces of shit , which technically are defined to decorate your room , but right now , I am hating them .

You assumed correct , am always this grouchy at mornings. 

Wait up , my room doesn't have any access to the sun , it's windows are opposite , facing the west side .

Is earth rotating in the wrong direction today .  ?

Or , has the sun decided to rise from the west? 

Well , earth rotating in the wrong direction or sun rising from the west . aren't they both the same thing?

But than my brain slowly starts to remind me certain things , and I suddenly realize where I am . 

That's why I forgot to draw the blinds . Now I get it . I am In Delhi .

Yay , bimbo me!

I open my eyes again , and realize that Aayushi isn't here too , and my bladder is poking me badly , like it's shouting at me to pee (*cringe - cringe*)

I groan and sit , taking my head in my hands , and pulling my hair , my head isn't even paining , but that's me in the morning . I close my eyes , and suddenly am drifting back to sleep again , but I have certain other urges to take care of.

I stand up and make my way to the washroom , to take care of my business , and slowly making my mind to have a talk with Ayansh , to see if he can shift me into another room so that I certainly don't have to get greeted by the sun rays at an early hour. 

Maybe his room , it's the opposite side , the west side . 

Ohh shut up !  

I wash my face , and brush my teeth , and than go back inside my room , and start to fold the blanket , fighting off my very powerful need to crawl into them again and get back to sleep. 

Okay , so much for a 23 year old , but I got into bed during early morning hours okay , and it's still early. 


I check my phone to see the time , and it's ... 

Holy fudge , it's 11:50 fucking am. 

But ,,, how? I've never slept in this late , ohh shit , that's why Aayushi isn't here , I swear to God , I've never slept till this late . 

I quickly make the bed , than get into a shower , and change into what? 

Ohh God am so confused , what to wear? well okay , basically it's saturday , and that means , we're staying at home , so I decide to change into a three fourth black and grey yoga pants , and a full sleeve neon pink T shirt . Okay this have to do , I take the towel and make my way downstairs , towel drying my extremely wet hair .

When I reach in the living room , I found two - what I assume are the house workers- dusting and cleaning around. Why do they have house workers for dusting? I can do that pretty well . There are two woman , one looks like she's in her early sixties , and that's why she's just dusting the center table with a cloth , and another woman , well a girl actually , she looks like she's around of Aayushi's or my age.  I was looking at them , but they're so busy in their work to even glance in my direction .  

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