21. On the name of Friendship

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Song : Count on me

By : Bruno Mars

I recommend you to listen to this song as this chapter is technically based on Amaan's and Isha's friendship . 

PS: You can also listen to 'Yeh Dosti' From movie 'Purani Jeans' 



I opened my eyes and crammed them shut again because of the bright light present into the room . I felt some moments around me . Very little moments . 

Someone's breathing . 

Chest rising and falling .

Very little almost inaudible snoring .

Of course not the heart beat , As much as I want to I can't turn into a vampire and name myself as 'A Cullen' . I mean they are all evened out . Don't have an extra vampire who'll fit in with me .

Okay , enough of your dreams Bitch head .  

I opened my eyes again and turned around to lay on my back and found Ayansh's arm around my torso. His eyes closed and his thick lashes fanning over his face . His lips were slightly open forming an 'O' and he was snoring very very softly and lightly . He was laying on his stomach his one hand under his cheek just like a small boy .

 My gaze lingered on his lips longer then necessary but I just can't help and stare . I stared at him for some good minutes , feeling my breaths faltering looking at the beauty in front of me . 

And yes , he is beautiful . Beautiful in his own manly kinds of way . His anger , his playful side , his concern for me . Everything is beautiful . It's like the more I look at him the more I see myself falling for him . 

I slowly take his hand from around my stomach , and place it on the bed , and he doesn't even stirs . Guess he's a very deep sleeper , considering the fact the he was also drunk . Maybe he'll be knocked out for some long time . As much I want to wake him and force him to shake a shower , because we all were soaking from earlier after playing holi , and now so badly drowned out in colors , I still wasn't able to find the courage in me to wake him up . 

My eyes roamed around the room for any clock to check the time and it was 4 p.m. , means I only slept for an hour and half or so . 

I left his room and made a bee-line  for my own , to take a damn hot shower . My muscles and bones were so badly aching . 

I washed my hair two times thoroughly and scrubbed the colors off my body , until I was sure no amount of them were left . Still I kept standing under the shower and let my thoughts wander around gathering everything what happened today , and I felt a smile creeping up on my lips thinking about it . 

The one thing for which I was in denial before but not anymore was  that I loved Ayansh's touch . I want it everytime . I need it . 

I needed his small pecks . And unconsciously my fingers reached to my lips touching them thinking about when he pecked them so softly .

But I want him to kiss me , Like kiss me for real. 

I remembered about his child like behavior and a low chuckle escaped past my lips . He was such a playful drunk . 

I remembered about the time when he got angry . But I can't blame him for that . I guess I can't . I just hope if he can open up to me about it . If he can let me in . 

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