4. Trust issues

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I know Ayansh has asked me something , about being friends with him , I hate it doing to myself , God it's about just being friends , I have to marry him someday , why am I acting like a bloody hypocrite . 

"Earth to Isha" he says and I jump up from his voice . 

"Isha ? what's wrong" I look up at him and he's frowning at me . No , I can't tell him everything just now . I can't , but he needs to know . Okay , but not now . 

"Hey , It's okay , there's no rush , let's just sit and talk out these things 'kay?" he asks and I nod my head mentally thanking him for being this understanding . 

"So , you don't make friends that easily , I get it , do I get to know the reason why ?" he asks again and I am speechless , I don't know what reason I should provide to him, one way or the other i have to do it , but I am not ready yet to spill all the secrets I have kept burried inside me since so many years.

"Ayansh I-I don't do these things , I mean .... well.... I've never had many friends since high school , except for Amaan , till high school I had a girl best frnd , but it didn't work out , she wasn't the best one and she used to blame everything on me and Amaan , after that , I-I was never the girl to party , or I never used to go for outings with my classmates , i was always the one to just sit in my room and study or read . . Look I know it isn't the best reason , but I have trust issues from a very long time . I find it so hard in me to trust other people . And my parents , they , they were never okay with me having any friends , they don't even know about me and amaan , there are so many things , so many reasons , that can't be explained just in some minutes . I know eventually , that I have to develop my trust in you , but it's so damn scary , how can I trust a person just from one meeting and take the decision of spending my whole life with him . It's my parent's fault , they never were okay with me spending time even with a girl friend and now , they just expect me to be ready for this marriage , they don't even care if - if the person is a abuser or violent one , looks like they just want  to throw me out ." I was out of breath till I finished my rambling and I was so scared that I told this person so much in just our first meeting . I don't know why but except for amaan no one bothered to listen but ayansh did , he was looking at me so calmly yet so strongly , like everything that I just spoke matters so much to him . He didn't speak anything after that , just nodded his head . 

"and , you didn't even complete your masters degree?" after some minutes of silence he asked. 

"No , umm , well , I did , but there is this one 6 months course in delhi , that secures the opportunity for a job . I didn't get to do that ." I reply and again he just nods his head . 

"Do you really wanna get married" I ask him and he looks startled by my question . 

"No , I don't , But I don't have a choice either , I have to make the best out of a shitty deal" he replies and I smile 

"ditto" I say and we both burst out laughing . 

"Isha ?"


" I like challenges , I'll make you my friend" he said and I looked at him but he was just looking out of the window . 

"Umm , I think we should go downstairs ." I said after some minutes and he stands and walks out of the room . I follow him outside and down the stairs . 

My mother has gone all out for the lunch , everything looks so much new and lavish , just like when our father used to have lunch meetings at home with politicians or businessmen . I talked for a long time with aayushi and both of us enjoyed  ishaani and ayaan battering like 5 year olds . I showed both of them the whole house and asked her about her future plans as well as if she prefers doing job . 

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