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Alyssa and Mika were up in their room, Mika was sitting at their dressing table applying her makeup while Alyssa stood by their closet in her underwear looking for something to wear that day.

"So how did it go at the doctors the other day?" Mika asked.

"Good, the baby's fine...Jia's fine. Well health wise she is...she couldn't even look at the monitor." Alyssa sighed.

"Poor girl...I can't imagine what she's going through...what you went through."

Alyssa grabbed her bag and pulled out the sonogram photo and handed it to Mika.

"I got a copy just in case she wanted it after the baby is born. I don't want her to have any regrets." Alyssa told her.

"You've really taken a liking to this girl." Mika stated.

"I was that girl kinda freaks me out a little how similar we are. I just want to make sure she's ok."

"I know you do sweetie...and I love that you have this big caring heart." Mika smiled and brought her wife in for a cuddle.

"Has Jia mentioned anything else about what she plans to do?"

Alyssa shook her head.

"What about her parents?" Mika asked.

"'s like she doesn't even exist to them anymore."

"Maybe we should have a chat with her and Vic about the possibility of Jia emancipating herself from her parents. Give her, her independence and that way they can't just come in and destroy her life again." Mika suggested.



"If...if she decides to keep the baby...what do you want to do?" Alyssa asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well...I mean the basement is big enough and we still have all our kids baby stuff." Alyssa replied.

"Alyssa, if Jia chooses to keep her baby that doesn't change anything. We told her that she can stay for as long as she needs."


Beatriz and Jia were lounging around in the teen's room doing homework and just chatting. During her time at the Valdez-Reyes house Jia had mellowed out a bit. She wasn't as hostile and bitchy as she used to be...that or Beatriz had just gotten used to it and she just couldn't tell anymore.

She still got under Jhoana's skin though; the two would constantly bicker and try to outdo the other with their insults and what have you. Beatriz could tell that deep down they did like each other they were just too proud and stubborn to admit it. Though sometimes their war of words did get a little much and Beatriz would have to intervene to calm them down. But majority of the time they were fine...just don't leave them in the same room alone together for long periods of time.

"So, have you given any more thought about going out with Maddie?" Beatriz not so subtlety asked.

Jia just glared at her.

"I don't even know what I want Beatriz." Jia mumbled.

" about we test you out then."


"Well I mean...what do you usually fantasize about?" Beatriz asked.

Jia raised her eyebrow at that.

"I'm not telling you that."

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