Ch3: The Warning

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Sir Ivan approached the man with caution.

He was beginning to feel uneasy as well.

Tyler turned to the back of the jeep, where he saw his Dino morpher and Dino saber.

He cautiously grabbed them both and turned back around to watch him as the noble knight and the ghost man were now meeting face to face.

"Noble sir, why do you wander this road...? Is it because you fought valiantly to claim what's yours? What is your quest...? Why are you here, looking like this, sir...?" Sir Ivan said, making first contact with the ghost man.

"Darren..." The raspy voice of the ghost man said, making contact with the knight.

"Sir Darren, tell me... Why are you wandering this road alone?" Sir Ivan asked, wanting to know.

Tyler looked at the two and saw that Darren had a knife in his pocket.

His eyes went wide.

"Ivan, watch out!!!" Tyler said, in warning as he saw Darren reaching for his pocketknife.

Sir Ivan nodded his head yes, in understanding as he now got out his sword.

"The Knight Of Zandar shan't run from a battle!!! En guard!!!" He said as he and Darren were now fighting.

As the two were jousting like knights, Tyler had a flashback.

It was about the first time that he and the ghost woman had met.

                   ~ Flashback ~

Young 11 year old Tyler Navarro and his dad James Navarro were near the bridge, sitting at the picnic table when they began to hear a woman crying.

Tyler began to get up.

"Son, where are you going...?" James asked, wondering.

Tyler looked from the abandoned bridge back to him.

"I'm going to see where the crying sound came from. It sounds like a woman who's on or below the bridge..." He said, in an explanation as he was about to head down to the riverbank.

James smiled.

He was very proud of Tyler for being brave when he knew himself that the spirits here were dangerous.

"Alright, son but, please be careful and don't be too long. I don't want us to come home to your mother Nicole being concerned and your sister Savannah being very upset, okay...?" James said, in an explanation.

Tyler nodded his head yes, in understanding.

"Okay, Dad. I won't be long." He said, now heading down to the riverbank.

When the young boy approached the riverbank, he could hear a baby crying.

Tyler looked around but couldn't find the source of the crying.

Then, just as he was about to head back up near the bridge, he saw the apparition of the ghost baby appear in front of him.

The baby's eyes were blue in color but, since she was dead, her ghost eyes were black.

The ghost baby looked up and saw a young boy looking at her.

"Hi there. I'm Tyler. What's your name...?" Tyler said as he gently picked up the ghost baby and held her.

The ghost baby showed him her magenta pink energem.

Tyler smiled.

"That's a beautiful looking gem." He said, looking at the dark pink energem.

The ghost baby then began to cry.

Tyler held onto her and rocked her gently in his arms.

"Wh... What's wrong...?" He asked, now really concerned for her.

As the ghost baby was crying, from behind Tyler, the ghost mother began to appear.

"Don't cry, baby. Don't cry, baby..." The gentle voice of the ghost mother said, in hopes that the ghost baby that Tyler was holding would stop crying.

Tyler heard the low and gentle voice and turned around, slowly.

He was now standing face to face with her and he was also looking into her black eyes.

His eyes went wide when he could see what she went through.

~ End flashback ~


"Sir Tyler... Sir Tyler...?" Sir Ivan said, in hopes of getting Tyler's attention.

Tyler then blinked his eyes, bringing him back to the present.

"What is it, Ivan?" He asked as he now slowly placed his Dino morpher and Dino saber back in the backseat of his jeep.

"Sir Darren has came here to warn us..." Sir Ivan said as he now began to get back into the jeep as Darren now was approaching the driver's side, where Tyler was.

Tyler looked and saw Darren.

He was now staring face to face and while he was looking at the ghost man, he could hear him yelling and arguing with the ghost woman and he could also see what the ghost man had done to the ghost woman.

The pink-red scratch marks... The blue-purple bruising...

It was all coming back to Tyler now.

"You... Why would you... Why would you hurt her?! She was an innocent woman!!!" Tyler said as he immediately got out his Dino morpher and his Dino saber and had them both out and pointed them both at Darren.

"Sir Tyler... Sir Tyler... Sir Tyler, calm down. I'm sure Sir Darren didn't mean to hurt her..." Sir Ivan said, while trying to restrain Tyler from hurting Darren.

Tyler then began to try and calm down but, he was still furious.

Why would Darren hurt the ghost mother and the ghost baby...?

What did he do to them...?

A lot of questions were running through his mind.

"What did you do to them? Tell me!" Tyler said, his eyes full of anger.

"Okay... Okay... They're at the bridge! They're both ghosts!!! But, I... I didn't do nothing to them!!! It was Sarah... Which is why I must warn you both that when you are out there tonight... Please be careful." Darren said, in an explanation while confessing.

Tyler then calmed down.

"Sir Darren, why should we be very cautious when we are out there tonight? Lady Morgan and Sir Tyler's sister Savannah have already warned us about the two female ghosts and you..." Sir Ivan asked as Tyler now placed both his Dino morpher and Dino saber back onto the backseat of the jeep.

Darren chuckled.

"You don't know who you're dealing with here. She'll make you both wish that you regretted coming here..." He said as he now began to disappear.

After Darren disappeared, Sir Ivan then looked at Tyler.

"Ready to continue our journey, Sir Tyler?" Sir Ivan asked as he buckled up.

Tyler nodded his head yes and sighed.

They needed to get to the bridge.

The ghost woman's life depended on it...

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