Ch4: I Dare You...

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A few minutes later, the two arrived at the legendary bridge.

Tyler parked the jeep in one of the parking lot spots and after he did that, he turned off the engine, which is pretty much a mistake that he's going to regret later on and got out of the jeep.

Sir Ivan got out of the jeep as well, now standing off to the side as he watched Tyler get his Dino morpher and Dino saber.

"I don't understand, Sir Tyler..." Sir Ivan began to say as they now headed over to where they saw Savannah's paranormal equipment and cameras, which were already set up all over the bridge, meaning more ground to cover if they were going to find this ghost woman.

"What do you mean, Ivan?" Tyler said, in response as they were now beginning to sit down in the two chairs that was near the viewing screen as he put his overnight bag behind the chair.

"Why would Sir Darren say that you don't know who you're dealing with here. She'll make you both wish that you regretted coming here...?" Sir Ivan said, quoting what the ghost man had told them earlier.

Tyler sighed.

"He's just trying to scare us, Ivan and besides, that woman on the bridge needs our help. Both her and the baby do." He said, in an explanation as they were beginning to watch the screens.

Sir Ivan then began to laugh.

"What's so funny, Ivan? We need to take this seriously! I know that Kendall wouldn't lie about the two energem signatures and I also know that my sister Savannah wouldn't lie about the paranormal activity that goes on down here and besides, these cameras have a paranormal lens." Tyler asked, wanting to know.

They really did need to take this seriously, especially since the ghost woman was on the bridge, looking over the edge while the two were talking.

"There's no such thing as ghosts, Sir Tyler. Ghosts were made to scare little kids, especially around the holiday where we dress up and partake in what they call trick or treating." Sir Ivan said, in an explanation.

"You mean Halloween?" Tyler asked, with his arms crossed as his eyes were fixated on the screen that had the ghost woman looking down at the water below while she was in the middle of the bridge.

Sir Ivan smiled.

"Of course. That's what I meant, Sir Tyler." He said as the ghost woman now disappeared when she heard her baby crying.

Tyler now saw that the ghost woman, who stood near the middle pillar of the bridge while also looking down at the water below had disappeared.

He then looked at Ivan.

"Ghosts are real... They are wandering souls who have not made it to Heaven yet or if they already have and have chosen to stay on Earth." Tyler said as Sarah now reappeared at the front of the bridge, watching the two boys as they were arguing.

As she watched them argue, she could recognize the one wearing the red t-shirt.

"Tyler..." Sarah said, out loud in realization.


As Tyler and Sir Ivan were arguing, both of them could hear a voice that was saying Tyler's name.

The two immediately stopped arguing and began to look around.

Tyler looked right in front of him and saw the ghost woman that was standing right in front of the bridge.

He smiled at her.

Sarah smiled at him.

Tyler knew exactly who she was, especially since the two had begun a relationship ever since he was eleven years old.

Sir Ivan was now looking where Tyler was, at the front of the bridge.

He still couldn't see what the young red ranger was looking at.

"I still can't see what you're looking at, Sir Tyler. There's nothing here..." Sir Ivan said, trying to reason with him.

Tyler then began to think.

During the daytime, Sarah's not that visible due to the sunlight and brightness out here in the backwoods but, at night, she'll be way more visible and maybe she'll show me her true form, rather than being a ghost during the day... That's it...! He said to himself, coming up with a plan.

Tyler then looked at Sir Ivan.

"Yes, Sir Tyler? Are you going to admit that there's no such thing as what you're seeing?" Sir Ivan asked, hoping that the young red ranger would admit to defeat.

"No... But, I propose to you a challenge..." Tyler began to say.

Sir Ivan chuckled.

"I accept your challenge, noble Sir Tyler!" He said, immediately accepting the challenge.

Tyler chuckled.

"I haven't told you what it is yet." He said, in a firm explanation.

Sir Ivan sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"Oh... Sorry, Sir Tyler but, please continue. Also, is this challenge about the ghost woman...?" He asked, in wonder.

Tyler blushed.

"Yes. It is about the ghost woman, whom I love very much..." He said, in a passionate voice.

The young red ranger was very passionate to be with the ghost woman, especially since the ghost woman was in love with him.

Sir Ivan smiled.

"Well... I dare you, Sir Tyler to spend the night here at the bridge!" He said, proposing the challenge first.

Tyler laughed.

"I accept the challenge and, Ivan...?" He began to say, before he reached out his hand to the noble knight to shake.

"Yes, Sir Tyler...?" Sir Ivan said, in wonder.

"I dare you to spend the night here on the bridge with me." Tyler said as he reached out his hand for Sir Ivan to shake.

Sir Ivan smiled and reached his hand out for Tyler to shake.

"I accept your challenge, Sir Tyler." He said as the two were now shaking hands with each other.

Sarah watched, in her translucent ghost form.

She sighed.

This was definitely going to be a very long night and she was in it for the long haul...

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