Chapter 5: Clingy pt two

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We're on day two of Toni and her clinginess. Last night she would not sleep in her crib at all and wanted to feed every two and a half hours.

Of course Veronica helped me with her through the night, but we're both exhausted and Toni is just knocked out.

I was in the nursery sitting in the rocking chair basically waiting for Toni to wake back up because I know she is. She's been doing it all night.

"Cher, come lay down"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"Because the minute you and I leave this room and go get comfortable, she's going to wake up screaming"

"Oh, someone's a bit snappy"

"Well yeah, I haven't slept in just about two days"

"Cheryl, come lay down. Now!" she demanded.

I sighed and got up heading to my room.

"Come on, lay down"

I just threw myself on the bed and Veronica pulled me up and I cuddled into her.

"Do you have a breast pump?"

"I- No?"

"Okay so we need to get one later, so you won't have to get up as much"


After I said that, I was passed out.


After about a four hour nap, I woke up to a lot of pain in my breasts.

I guess the more Toni feeds, the more milk I produce and the more pain I'm in.

"Ahh" I say gently massaging my breasts.



"Y-your boobs"

"What about them?"

"I- um they are l-leaking"

I looked down. "Shit. Where's Toni?"

"In her crib babbling around"

"Can you bring her to me please?"

"Of course"

She brought Toni to me and luckily she was hungry and just pulled my boobs out herself.

"Someone's hungry" I say with wide eyes.

"Well you were sleep for almost five hours"

"I needed it"

"Yea and you're seeming to regret it a little"

"Yes and no"

"Well when you're done, get changed so we can head to the store"

"okay" I say continuing to feed Toni.

She's really tiny, almost as if she's a dwarf. Even though she was very boney when I found her, she was also very... short. Toni is the image of a toddler. Face and all.

Eventually I finished feeding her and changed into something different of course.

Afterwards, I went to change Toni's diaper and get her diaper bag packed. I really don't know how long we're going to be gone.

I packed diapers, wipes, pacifier's, bibs, burping cloths, and an extra outfit.

I grabbed her winnie the pooh blanket as well and we headed out of the door towards the car.

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