Chapter 6: Toni gets into everything

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Toni has started crawling and she's getting into everything.

I move her away from one thing and then she gets into another. Rather if it's my makeup or all the movies off of the stand.

Veronica said that I should get her a bouncer, but I'm afraid she may hurt herself.

I'll look into it though.

"Hey babe" V said as she came in the house from work.

"Hi" I said in an exhausting tone.

"Was she getting into everything again?" she asked with a sigh.

I nodded as I watched her go pick Toni up out of her playpen.

"Were you giving mommy a hard time again today?" she asked a smiling Toni.

I gave a smile as I looked at the two.

Veronica really adores Toni and Toni adores her as well.

I remember at one point, Toni wouldn't go to Veronica at all and now she loves her.

Of course Toni is still very attached to me and she still has her clingy days.

Especially when it comes to her feedings. She tries to be on my breasts all day and eventually it started to ache.

She would rarely take a bottle, but now I'm able to give her one for lunch and dinner.


I came out of my thoughts and saw Toni rubbing her eyes.

I walked over to her and V and sat beside them on the couch.

Toni immediately climbing into my lap, tugging on my top.

"Is my princess getting sleepy?" I say with a small smile to Toni.

I'm a bit tired myself. It's been a long day with Toni being more active today.

"Babe, go lay down" she says to me.

"But you just got home and I missed you" I say back.

"I know, but you need to put her down and you need some sleep yourself" she replies back.

"Can you come with us?" I ask with baby eyes.

She nodded and followed us up stairs into our bedroom.

Toni started to whine due to her being tired and hungry.

We got into bed and I removed my top, beginning to feed Toni.

Moments later, Toni was out cold.

V and I watched a little tv and eventually I was asleep myself, with Toni up under me. (not physically up under her lmao)


Toni and I woke up a little bit ago and I grabbed her coming down stairs to see where V had went because she wasn't in bed with us anymore.

She was on the couch doing work.

I put Toni down and went over to V, who was very focused on her laptop.

"Hey babe, did you sleep well?" she asked looking up at me and I nodded.

I sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote to put on winnie the pooh for Toni.

She loves that cartoon.

While Toni watched her cartoons, I began checking my socials and respond to texts.

Literally within five minutes, Toni managed to get into the kitchen. "Oh come on" I sighed.

I walked into the kitchen and there was Toni playing with the pots. "Toni can't you give mommy a break for the rest of the day"

She looked at me and began to giggle. She's lucky she's adorable.

Since I was already in the kitchen, I grabbed Toni some of her baby food and a bottle of milk. I sat her in her baby seat in the living room and began to feed her.

She started yelling at me and V laughed. "Omg she's so greedy" I said with a smile.

As I finished feeding her, she started whining for her bottle.

"I got it, baby. You go take a break for some time" V said grabbing the baby and the bottle to feed her.

I took the bowl in the kitchen putting it into the dishwasher and went upstairs to my room.

I laid there for some time before getting back up. I want to cuddle and I want my baby and V up here with me.

I yelled for V to come up with the baby and once she got up here, we all laid in a comfortable silence.

Well Veronica and I did. Toni babbled most of the time.

Eventually I broke the silence saying "I think it's time we baby proof the house before little miss Toni here hurts herself" and Veronica agreed.

I don't want to make a hospital trip because she's gotten into something she shouldn't and of course I would feel really guilty.

I looked up at V and she was staring at me causing me to blush a little and look away.

"You know you're beautiful, right?" she said to me and I looked at her again saying "thanks" with a small smile and began looking back down.

"I'm serious, Cher. I know you don't hear it enough, which isn't right. But you're really beautiful" she said leaning over to kiss me and I kissed back with also a flushed red face.

"Don't be shy, baby" she said with a smirk.

I like how affectionate she is with me. I didn't get that really in my last two relationships. They just wanted me for sex.

I gave a light chuckle and then Toni started crawling a little too close to the edge of the bed so Veronica hurried up and grabbed her.

"No ma'am. We don't want you to hurt yourself by falling off of the bed"

Even we went back downstairs and let Toni do some more tummy time, while V and I watched a little tv.

As we were watching tv, it all of a sudden shut off. We both looked down seeing Toni with the tv cord in her hand.

"Really Toni" I said with a little laugh but I also hurried and grabbed it from her before she got a chance to put it in her mouth.

"Missy, you sure do move fast and like getting into everything" I said carrying her to the couch. "Here, go to mama" I said handing Toni to Veronica and she began playing with her hair.

"What are we gonna do when she starts walking?" she said in a playful tone and I playfully sighed.

We have a little mover on our hands for sure.

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