Chapter 17: New Baby? pt1

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It's the middle of the night and I woke up for the third time to vomit.

I got up quickly and hurried to the bathroom vomiting my insides out. I don't know what's wrong with me, this has been going on for the last month.

Once I finished, I brushed my teeth and splashed some cold water on my face looking in the mirror.

I looked at myself and the only thing I can really say is that my eating habits have been really weird here lately. I don't know really.

I've been eating bizarre food combinations and been eating things I don't normally eat.

Whatever. It may just be a stomach bug again. I haven't said anything to Ve because she's very quick to worry.

I laid back in bed and noticed a small figure moving.

It scared me until I heard a tiny whine realizing it was Toni?

"When did she get in here?" I thought to myself.

Maybe she started crying and Ve grabbed her, I guess?

I pulled the cover completely over me and slowly went back to sleep.

I again an hour later woke back up craving pickles and what's weird is that I hate pickles.

I went downstairs and we were out..

I quietly started sobbing and forgot Be was over until she came into the kitchen turning the light on.

I looked up with a red face.

"Cheryl why are you crying?" she asked with a furrowed eyebrow.

"There's no more pickles" I replied.

"I thought you hated pickles?" She said highly confused.

I sighed sitting on the chair..

She just stared at me with so much judgement.

"What are you staring at?" I said getting upset even more. I just want what I'm craving and she's not helping.

"Why are you seriously crying over something you hate?" she responded.

"I don't know. I just woke up with a taste for pickles okay?" I snapped back.

"Cheryl are you okay?" she asked softly.

"I'm fine, why?"

"Lately you've been acting strange.."

I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm serious, you're eating things you don't normally eat and you're very emotional"

"I'm not emotional, are you calling me a cry baby?" I said in a whiny tone.

She face palmed herself with a loud sigh saying "If that was the case I would've just said that. All I'm saying is you're acting different than usual"

I was going to say something but then I felt like vomiting again and ran to the bathroom.

"This has to come to an end" I whispered to myself.

"See what I mean" Betty said standing in the doorway.

"Betty what do you want?" I said continuing to vomit.

She smirked saying "When's the last time you had your period" and my eyes went wide and I looked at her.

I got up to brush my teeth and went to look at the date.

"Shit" I voiced lowly.

"You think I'm accusing you now?"

"Shut up smart ass" I responded with a loud sigh.

"So when?"

"Two months ago" I answered and her jaw dropped.

"So when's the last time you guys had sex?" she said confused.

"I don't know...maybe a few days ago" I said and she sighed.

Obviously this happened before.

"See I knew it"

"Knew what?"

"Ve and I have been watching you these last few weeks and we were sure that you are showing pregnancy symptoms"

"Here you go"

"Cheryl for the love of god you literally snapped on Ve two weeks ago because she forgot to fold Toni's blanket back up" she sighed.


"SO?!?!? You almost cried"

"Okay fine. If you makes you feel any better, the thoughts been in the back of my head. I just haven't brought myself to find out" I responded truthfully.

"Why not?"

"I don't know if Ve wants a baby or not. I know I do but her and I haven't really talked about kids yet"

"What? Ve has always wanted kids, you see how she is with Toni. Trust me if Ve didn't want kids, she surely would've specified that at the beginning of your relationship"

I sighed in somewhat relief, but that's not the only thing. I also have Toni, of course she will always be my baby girl no matter what, but I don't know how she would feel.

I looked down with a sad look.

"Hey what's wrong? I thought you wanted another baby?" she asked.

"I mean I do, it's just I don't want Toni to feel like I've forgotten about her" I shyly said.

"Cheryl you and I both know that will never happen. Toni loves you just as much as you love her. You wouldn't even get close to letting that happen" she said and I gave a smile.

"I'll go tomorrow and find out" I said before heading back to bed.

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