Chapter 23: Bed rest

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Today I have my final doctors appointment before I have the twins and I've been in a lot of pain, so I've been taking it really easy.

I'm excited that the boys will be here soon and I can't wait until all of this is over. I don't really think I want to be pregnant again.

These contractions lately have been very intense.

"Babe how are you feeling today?" Ve asked me walking in the room with Toni.

"I'm still sore but I'm okay"

"Okay. Are you ready for your appointment?"

"Yes!! Soon these babies will be out"

"Well let's start getting ready. Betty is gonna sit with Toni while we're gone"

I nodded as she helped me up.

I went to get ready and once I was finished, I headed downstairs to give Toni a kiss before we left.


We arrived and I'm honestly nervous for some reason but overall I'm very happy.

Ve helped me inside and got me checked in and we waiting to be seen.

"What are your thought babe, you've been quiet" Ve asked.

"Not sure really. I mean I am excited but I'm also nervous. In a few weeks we'll have newborns"

"Yea I know babe, but everything will be okay. I promise" she responded and I nodded.

"Cheryl Blossom" the doctor called out.

Veronica helped me up and we headed to the room. I sat on the bed and sighed. I'm in pain.

"Hello, how are you guys today?" the nurse asked.

"I'm alright" Ve said.

"In pain" I replied.

"What's hurting you?" the nurse asked.

"The bottom of my stomach and my uterus"

"Oh sweetheart that's normal. Your body is preparing itself for labor" she says and I nod.

"Okay let's take a look at these sweet boys" she said smearing that cold ass gel on my stomach.

I flinched a little at the touch and then soon relaxed once I heard the heartbeats of my sons.

Ve and I have been together for two years now and in just three weeks we'll have our baby boys. I wish Toni could be here but she's sick and has been really fussy.

I feel bad that I haven't been as active with her due to me being in the last stages of my pregnancy and also the pain that I'm experiencing as well. Once my six weeks are up, me and her are going to have a mommy and me day.

"Well the babies look perfectly fine and healthy, but I do recommend that you go on bed rest. By this being your first pregnancy and you're having twins, you're still high risk" the nurse says.

"So while she's on bed rest, that helps keep the babies in full term so she doesn't go into early labor?" Ve asked.

"Yes. The more she's off of her feet, the less strain on her body. Miss it is time that you let your body rest" she responded and I gave a nod with a small smile.

"Thank you"


After my appointment, Veronica decided she wanted to take me to eat at one of my favorite places. Before we went, we went to go pick up Toni and Betty. Toni was so excited to see me and it made my heart melt, I love my little girl.

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