Chapter 9: Toni tries new baby foods

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Alright so here lately I've been slowly exposing Toni to new baby foods/ people foods. Her headspace lately has been between 6 months and 1 years old.

Yesterday I tried two new fruits with her. Blueberries mixed with bananas and a new strawberry apple sauce. She loved them both by the way.

Today we're going to try the actual kiwi fruit and see how she feels about it.

Over time I've noticed that Toni is a texture person, so hopefully she does okay with the kiwi.

I mashed it and removed the seeds so she doesn't choke of course and then I put her into her chair.

I buckled her in and she gave a whine signaling she wanted me to hurry up.

Did I ever mention that Toni is a bit greedy now?

Rather if it's her milk or baby food, she's always rushing me for either or.

I mix a little breast milk in the fruits for her as well to smooth it out a bit.

I mixed it some more before taking a tiny spoonful and moving it towards her mouth and she complied by opening her mouth.

She made a weird face before swallowing it and then she opened her mouth again.

"Oh. I see you like kiwi" I say with a smile.

I really thought she was going to spit it out like she did with the actual strawberry fruit.

She does indeed like when it's mixed with other fruits.

I continued feeding her the rest of the kiwi and she did really well.

Next, she's going to try the baby food squash and I feel like she may hate it, so we'll see.

I shook the jar a bit and then cracked it open. Toni bounced in excitement, letting out a loud squeal.

I smiled at her walking back towards her and then Veronica walked in.

"How's she doing?" she asked giving Toni and I kisses on our foreheads.

"Ugh, so far she liked the kiwi and now she's trying squash"

"Yuck" she said and I looked at her and laughed.

Squash is really disgusting and I doubt Toni will like it, but we're still going to see.

I took a spoonful and gave it to her and she whined spitting it out.

Veronica laughed and I gave her a glare.

"Oh come on babe. She's not going to like everything you feed her" she says with a smile.

"I know that. It's just the fact that she's gaining more weight, so I'm trying to expose her to more foods so she's not relying on my milk all the time"

"Babe, at the end of the day she's still a baby. She will always rely on your milk"

I sighed and nodded in understanding because it's true. The highest Toni has gotten in her head spaces is one years old and that's it. I've had her for just a little over a year now.

She hasn't even started walking because her head space is mostly six to seven months, so there's that.

I'm still going to at least get her to try other fruits and veggies.

Squash is obviously a no go, so I guess we will try green beans now.

Toni's going to hate me for this one, but who knows. She may actually like it.

I gave her some and it was obvious she hated it. She started gagging and ended up choking.

I dropped the jar rushing to grab her and patted her back and she eventually cried.

"Okay I think we're done for the day. You just about gave mommy a heart attack" I said to Toni as I comforted her.

"You go give her a bath while I clean this up and I'll be up there" Veronica said and I nodded heading upstairs.

I wiped Toni's face with a wipe and took off her onesie, making my way into the bathroom and running some nice warm water in the bathtub.

I added a little tear free bubble bath and once the bathtub was filled, I took her diaper off and sat her in the water.

She giggled as she splashed around in the water with a few loud squeals.

She's so adorable. I love her so much. She literally makes my heart melt.

Moments later Veronica came upstairs and gathered Toni's night clothes for me while I got ready to wash her up.

I washed her hair first and then washed her body with the baby dove body wash. It keeps her skin moisturized and she doesn't break out like she did with the Johnson's baby soap.

Once I was all finished I grabbed her towel and then took her out of the bath tub, heading to her nursery.

I laid her on the changing table and began to lotion her up.

Veronica held onto me as I got Toni ready for bed. I applied baby powder on her bottom and then put her diaper on.

I put her sleeper on, gave her a kiss and then laid her in her crib.

I decided to try to give her a bottle tonight and she surprisingly took the bottle.

I covered her up and turned on her night light.

After that, Veronica and I whispered goodnight before slightly closing the door and going to prepare ourselves for bed as well.

Well we tried to and got stuck into the tv watching pretty little liars.

It's not a bad show I should say. It definitely leaves you thinking about a lot of things and who to trust and who not to trust.

I've watched it plenty of times before and I still watch it as if I've never even seen it. It's a show that I definitely recommend to all.

We watched three episodes and then we both started to really get ready for bed this time.

We took out our pajamas and then headed to the bathroom to shower.

Veronica seems to suffer every time because I like really hot showers and she of course complains the entire time.

Moments later we both got out dried ourselves off then somehow made out for like ten minutes and then this time we really decided to call it a night and seriously head to bed before Toni wakes up.

We watched one more episode of pretty little liars and then said our goodnights and then fell into a deep slumber.

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