Chapter 10: Biting

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These last few days, Toni has started biting a little. Of course not on purpose, it's because she's somewhat teething.

By her being so little, her body is behind when it comes to her fully developing. She's been a little whiny as well and I feel bad because nothing is really helping her.

I've tried messaging her gums, getting a teether, orajel, etc and nothing is really working.

Basically it's been rough having a baby that doesn't feel well. Especially at night.

Last night we were all up until about maybe five am before we got Toni to finally go to sleep. It didn't last long of course.

She slept for about four hours and we were right back up.

I then decided to make her an appointment because I'm tired of seeing her in so much pain.

Right now she's taking a nap and she's been asleep for about an hour now, which isn't too bad.

Me and Veronica are cuddling on the couch.

We should probably be asleep as well, but we tried and we can't. Which sucks for real because I am sort of tired but oh well.


After about another two hours, Toni woke up and she was in a better mood and I'm happy that she is.

I decided to try to feed her and she did well and didn't bite me this time, so she just chilled the remaining time, while also watching her cartoons.

I placed her on her mat for some tummy time and she surprisingly didn't cry this time.

I just let her be and went to prepare dinner for Veronica and I.

I looked around the kitchen trying to figure out what I could make for us.

"Maybe pasta" I thought to myself.

I don't know if I want pasta, though.

"Babe" I yell.


"I don't know what to make" I say in frustration.

"You want to just go somewhere?" she asked coming into the kitchen with Toni.

"Yea, I guess we can" I sighed.

I got Toni and myself ready and then we headed to this restaurant that had a variety of different foods.

We got to the restaurant and it's really nice inside. We got seated and went over the menu to see what we wanted.

Well we tried until Toni started crying and we both tried our best to keep her calm.

I know it has to be her gums, so to quiet her a little I started feeding her and she bit me.

"Ow, baby that hurt" I say and she kept doing it but also kept crying.

I got up and went to the bathroom with her. I went into the stall, sitting her on my lap while I went through her bag to try and find the baby orajel. I found it and messaged all over her gums.

After like twenty minutes she was knocked out cold and I went back out and Veronica gave me a small smile, taking Toni out of my arms and putting her back in her seat.

"We need to make an appointment soon" she said and I gave an exhausting nod.

I ordered a vegan burrito and she ordered vegan nachos.

The food was really good and the food came in large portions, so we took the rest to go and went home before Toni woke back up.


We are currently on our way to the doctors to see what's going on with Toni.

It has to be something he can give her to get rid of the pain and so she can also stop biting me every time I feed her.

My boobs are red and swollen from her biting, so something has to be figured out now.

We patiently waited in the waiting room until Toni's name was called and we quickly got up, heading over to the doctor.

We got to the room and I explained everything that has been going on with Toni.

The doctor took a look around Tonis gums and stated that she is indeed teething.

She tried massaging Toni's gums and she screamed and cried at the touch.

It kind of pissed me off because if I just told this lady that her gums are really sensitive and she says it's because Toni is teething, then why would you touch them.

She continues for a few more minutes and I was fed up, so I got up and went to grab Toni and angrily looked at the doctor,

"I'm sorry ma'am but I had to examine her gums, so that way I prescribe her the correct medication" she said and my angry expression softened.

She prescribed a medication for Toni and soon we were on our way to get it, so my baby can soon feel better.

We got the medicine and eventually made it back to the house and Betty is here.

We might actually need her help, so I'm kind of glad she's here.

We walked in the house and she immediately grabbed Toni while I got her meds ready, so she can feel better.

Once I got her meds ready, I warmed up a bottle and went to grab Toni.

I gave her the medicine and then headed up stairs so I could feed her and then put her down for a nap. I truly hope this medicine works so she can get back to her normal self without any pain.

I adjusted her in my arms and began feeding her and watched as she calmly relaxed.

After finishing her bottle, moments later she was fast asleep. I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and then gently laid her in her crib.

I smiled in aw before quietly walking out of the nursery and going to join Veronica in the bedroom and we also took a nap.

I hope my baby feels better soon.

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