Survival of the fishiest

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"Well, we got definitive results! Stay away from anything that has water in the ingredients, including but not limited to moisturizers, hyaluronic acid, most beauty products, and most drinks. Basically, anything that's more than 50% water," Idia explains, reading down the list of products that turned Yuu into a mermaid.

"How am I supposed to shower? How is the lower part of my body supposed to get clean?!" Yuu exclaims, panicking over her current predicament.

"You can live the weeaboo lifestyle. Stay inside all day, play games for days straight, and pee in bottles! There's no need for showering when you can play video games and watch anime inside!" Idia spouts, going into a passionate rant.

"Idia, that's a disgusting idea," Azul scowls, cringing at his fellow club member.

"Onii-chan, when was the last time you've gotten into an actual shower?" Ortho asks, glaring at his older brother.

"How about you learn mermaid hygiene from us?" Jade suggests, comforting Yuu. "The real problem is how Yuu's going to navigate school considering that she could grow a tail at the slightest touch of juice."

"Everything is a walking hazard!" Yuu exclaims, panicking more.

"Everyone, wait! We should figure out how Yuu turned into a mermaid! If we find something, we might get more answers to our problems?" Ortho suggests making everyone in the room.

"I don't know if this will help, but I transformed into a mermaid after diving into an underground cave full of water. There was an opening in the top with lambert flowers near it. Then, the full moon came over the opening, sparkles came down on me, and the water bubbled. After that, I went home, slept, and when I got up in the morning to brush my teeth, water went down my chin, and I turned into a mermaid," Yuu explains, remembering all the events leading up to this.


"Ok, we should search for Mermaid history involving transformations and full moons," Ortho says, pulling up a mini-filtering system from his arm. "So far, there are 143 books that mention these things."

"We should split up. Ortho, you go with your brother, Jade, you go with Floyd, and I'll go with Yuu. Tell us if you find something," Azul instructs, walking away into the mermaid section of the library with Yuu.

The Tweels headed to the Astrology section, while Ortho and his brother went to the Elemental Magic section of the library. After an hour of grueling research, there were barely any results.

"You guys find anything yet?" Jade asks, shutting a book called The Powers of Water.

"No, we went through like a hundred books already. Maybe there's nothing here," Idia groans, the fire on his head growing weaker. "Yuu, is your team having any luck?"

"Nope, not a thing. What about you, Yuu?" Azul asks, closing another book.

"I found something! Look, this chapter describes what's happening to me to a T," Yuu softly squeals, putting the book in front of everyone. "I managed to find it in a book called the Type and Classification of Mermaids."

"Mako/Moonpool Mermaids:

Although they are usually born, incidents of humans turning mermaids have been reported as far back as the 1950s. Human to mermaid transformation occurs when a human is in a merpool under a full moon. Once transformed, human-turned mermaids, gain powers such as hydrokinesis, Gelidkinesis/Substanciakinesis/Mecokinesis, Hydro-Thermokinesis, Aerokinesis, Cryokinesis, and Telekinesis. Along with the ability to speed swim, create a tower of light, and speak to underwater animals(only applies to natural-born mermaids). Human-turned-mermaids also suffer from limited transformation. If they touch water, they will transform into a mermaid.

Mako-Mermaids(female) are both orange in bra and tail color," Azul reads, looking over the long paragraph. "I believe our Yuu is a Mako Mermaid."

"Finally. Thanks for helping me. I'm going back to Ramshackle to get a nap," Yuu says, hugging everyone before leaving the library. "Bye!"

"Now that the mystery of how she turned into a mermaid is solved, we can go back to our lives," Idia says, getting up.

"Onii-chan, everyone, you missed out on a part. See," Ortho says, pointing out the paragraph on the back of the page. "Although Moonpool mermaids are just like humans in terms of personality and friendliness, there is an omnipresent danger at night called a Moon Spell. Seaborn mermaids and human-turned-mermaids will go into a trance and not act like themselves once glancing at the full moon. Effects can range from delirium to Siren's song. If a human-turned-mermaid sees a full moon, it is not advised to stop them from going to the water. Once under the moon's control, they could use their powers against you, friends, or family(turn to Pg.98 of shipwrecks caused by mermaids in a Moon Spell). If hurt by a Moon Spell-affected mermaid, please don't hold it against them. They didn't mean to hurt you. Considering the Moon Spell's total effect, I must classify the Mako/Moonpool Mermaid as Class X, the most dangerous classification there is. For more info, turn to Pg. 103."

"...what has Yuu gotten herself into?" Jade questions, his face filled with fear.

"Ortho, check out the book or search for a recent edition of it from the same author," Idia states, pushing in his chair and tampering with a hologram. "We need to be prepared for when the next full moon comes. Ramshackle isn't the best place for Yuu. There are holes and broken windows everywhere."

"I'll catch up with Yuu and buy some materials to cover up the windows," Azul says, getting up as well. "Jade, Floyd, follow Yuu and make sure she doesn't grow a tail on the way to Ramshackle."

Everyone leaves the library and goes about their new mission. A mission that they didn't know would be very exhausting.


"Yuu, there you are! We've been looking for you everywhere. Coach Vargas wants you to join our Spelldrive game immediately. He's super mad that you skipped part of gym," Ace says, running up to Yuu drenched in sweat.

Yuu sees the sweat on Ace's body and backs away.

"Yuu, come on!" Ace states, trying to grab Yuu's hand, which pulls away from him.

"Ok! I'm coming!" Yuu exclaims, becoming cheerful.

Yuu runs onto the broomstick flying fields and sees Vargas coaching Epel. She runs to Coach Vargas and stops next to him.

"Yuu! There you are! We've all been expecting you! Go do Spelldrive practice with Ruggie for the rest of class!" Coach Vargas yells, blowing his whistle.

Yuu runs to Ruggie and begins to play Spelldrive. She dodged all the floral spells and leaf shots. But, after 30 minutes, when they began a break in between rounds, Ruggie shot a playful water spell at Yuu. The girl turned around slowly, completely drenched in water, realizing the full impact of what was happening. Yuu's eyes widen, and she takes off running away from everyone.

"Shit! Floyd, go get her before someone sees her!" Jade hisses, looking at the watch on his wrist. "You've got 8 seconds!"

Floyd takes off after Yuu and catches up to her as she hides behind a tall tree.

Shit! I'm behind a tree as a mermaid! I can't go anywhere!

Fallen leaves begin to crunch on the ground, and tears fall from Yuu's eyes.

No, no, no, no, no!

"Ah, calm down, Shrimpy. It's only me, Floyd," Floyd says, going in front of Yuu. "Here, wear my jacket. It should cover your body and tail if you curl up."

"Floyd, thank you," Yuu whispers, clinging onto Floyd's chest.

Floyd walks across campus into the Hall of Mirrors with Yuu in his arms and steps into Octavinelle's mirror.

"Why is Floyd carrying Yuu?" Ace asks, looking at the strange sight.

"I don't know, but I'm getting a feeling that involves that sneaky Octavinelle trio," Deuce states, glaring at Floyd. 

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