The Depths of the Mind

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A/N: Hi, it's been such a long time. So, my university is going through political turmoil right now. Group chats were leaked, and people were crying and angry. Anyway, I'm glad I'm publishing this chapter while it's starting to be spring vibes outside.

 "Well, if this is the dream world, I wonder what the sea in this world is like," Yuu wonders aloud, walking to the waves. "1! 2! 3!"

Yuu stands in place as the waves, preparing for the eventual fall that comes with her tail.

"Why isn't anything happening?! I better not be peeing myself in real life or something like that!" Yuu screams, looking at the sky. "Hey, what's that?"

A glowing blue tsunami heads toward Yuu, and before she can move away, it crashes into her. She's thrashing around in the water, and suddenly, the glowing blue water begins a metamorphosis on her skin. Her legs become a tail, and she's wearing a scale bra.

"What the hell? Why, of all times, did I transform into a mermaid now?" Yuu questions, looking at the glowing mass form itself into a copy of her body.

"Hey, girl," Dino says, smiling at Yuu.

"Dino, how are you here?" Yuu asks, almost weirded out by the sentient algae's presence. "Did I accidentally snort some of your water, and you're in my brain?"

"Uh, no. You see, right now, your body in the real world has moonlight from a full moon on it. But since you're cursed to sleep, that full moon energy has to go somewhere. Unfortunately, it's so powerful that it's changing your subconscious as we speak," Dino explains, making Yuu concerned as the water around them becomes pitch black. "I'm sorry, but I don't know where it wants you to go. You know how the full moon makes you do your own thing when you're under its influence."

"Wait, Dino! Wait!" Yuu screams, trying to grasp the disappearing mass. "No, no, no, no."

In the darkness of the water, a beam of light bursts through the water. Yuu swims to it, and some force makes her go upwards toward the surface. When Yuu sees the surface, she's in a lake surrounded by the woods instead of the beach.

"AAAHH!" Yuu screams, making a few birds fly out of a tree.

Yuu pulls herself out of the water and uses her arms to move herself up the hill.

"Thank you so much, Malleus, for trapping me in my own body like this," Yuu says sarcastically, moving her tail like a snake so she can travel through the woods. "Thank you, oh, so very much. Augh!"

"Wait a minute. If there's moisture in the air, then maybe I can make myself float until I get my legs back?" Yuu says, sticking her hand out and focusing on the moisture in the air around her body.

Yuu's body begins to float, and the sounds of water moving surround Yuu's body.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" Yuu cheers, moving her tail as if she's swimming to move through the forest. "And the best part is that there's no limit on my powers because it's my fucking dream! Now to make it back to NRC before Malleus loses his shit again."

When Yuu makes her way to the top of the hill, she realizes she's not on Sage Island.

"Where am I?" Yuu questions, blinking her eyes at the never-ending woods. "Where the hell am I?!"


"Grim, do you know where Yuu is?" Silver asks, hiding from an enraged Malleus with Sebek.

"I don't know. She went to the beach to see the waves and never came back," Grim answers, cuddling into Silver's arms.

"She couldn't have swam away, could she?" Sebek questions, looking at Silver.

"Yuu couldn't have possibly swam away. She doesn't have anywhere to swim away to. It's a dream. Everything we're seeing is a dream!" Silver vents, seeing the shadow of an overblotted Malleus heading towards them. "Screw it, I'll just use my unique magic to go into her dream. Hopefully, she's not dreaming of being underwater, or we might drown."

Silver performs his unique spell, and he, Sebek, and Grim are in the woods.

"What are you humans and your magical beast doing here?" A man with long black hair with red streaks and a bat mask asks, pointing a green axe covered in vines at them.

"Excuse me, but I'm half-fae!" Sebek scowls, making Silver and Grim scared.

"Sebek, don't yell at the guy who's pointing an axe at us," Silver whispers, shooting a nervous smile at the man. "Anyway, we came to look for a friend. She might be here in these woods. Please let us go with you!"

"Very well, you can stay with us while you find your friend. Besides, there's already enough weirdos in the woods these days," The man says, walking away to continue his journey. "But, you must land a hit on me before you come. To prove your strength to me."

The soldiers with bat masks shriek like excited animals, and Sebek, Silver, and Grim prepare to fight.


"Maybe I should stop somewhere for the night," Yuu says to herself.

She finds a small lake and crawls into it for shelter. As she pops her head out from underwater, she notices the phase of the moon.

"Shit, now I know why the full moon's energy in the real world brought me here," Yuu curses, looking at the full moon.

"Hey! Why are you in that lake?! It's the drinking water for our camps!" A knight in silver armor yells, not catching Yuu's attention. "Hey! I asked you a que-"

Yuu looks at the full moon memorized as a dragon rises out of the water. It charges at the knight, swallows him whole, then retreats into the water.

"Hm?" Yuu says, turning around to look behind her. "Must've been the wind. Anyway, a good night's rest for me."

As Yuu goes to sleep, the dragon watches her every move. It's eyes glowing like it's part of the moon pool.

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