The dark side of the moon

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A/N: I'm officially done with my first year of college! Also, uploading this chapter is perfect because Mermay. Anyway, I'm hoping to get a job for the summer.

"General! Half of our men are gone without a trace near the second encampment," One of the knights yells, running to the Knight of Dawn.

"Show me immediately!" The Knight of Dawn responds, holding his comrade's shoulders.

When the knights get to the lake, the wildlife surrounding the camp is silent. A helmet from the human knights floats to the shore as a large figure moves to the surface.

"General, there's something in the water," The soldier whispers, backing away from the shore's edge.

The dragon bursts from the water, its roar shaking the trees to their core.

"Hold your ground, and whatever you do, don't get into the water!" The Knight of Dawn yells, drawing his sword.


As Silver, Grim, and Sebek fight the mysterious man, and the soldiers, everyone stops as a roar goes through the trees.

"Is that one of ours?" A soldier asks the mystery man.

"Doesn't sound like it," The man in the bat mask, turning towards the direction of the noise. "Maybe one of the dragons from the south came?"

"AAAAHHH!!!" A human soldier screams, his bones releasing a sickening crunch.

"You know what, you kids can stay if you survive! Everyone, let's move! We don't want to stick around for whatever monster is out there!" The man in the bat mask yells, motioning his soldiers to run to the Briar Valley castle.

"Yuu's going to be ok, right? She's not going to die in this dream?" Grim asks, clinging onto Silver.

"Grim, she'll be ok. We'll find her, and we'll be together again," Silver responds, running as the monster gets closer.

The water dragon catches up to the Fae soldiers and tries to attack the man in the bat mask. It chips the mask, and he throws it to the ground.

"Lilia!" Sebek and Silver scream in shock.

Lilia takes his green, thorny axe and attacks the dragon's leg. The axe goes through the dragon. Lilia slides underneath the dragon and attacks its stomach. Blood seeps out from the wound and fogs up the area around its stomach. The dragon roars with rage and pain and retreats to the lake again.

"I think we're good," Lilia states, putting his axe back in its sheath.

"What was that thing?" A soldier with bright green hair says, looking at the monster's footsteps.

"I don't know, but it wasn't any dragon I've ever seen. When I chopped at its leg, it didn't bleed, but when I hit the stomach, it did. Maybe it is some sort of mutated monster that the Silver Owls created?" Lilia replies, walking forward and leading his group to Briar Valley's castle.

"I think we have worse problems," The green-haired soldier says, taking his mask off.

The moon is high in the sky, full and lighting up the forest like it's the sun.

"What in the world?" The green-haired soldier gasps, taking his mask off. "It's 6:30 in the morning. The sun should be in the sky by now."

"Oh no," Grim, Silver, and Sebek exclaim, confusing Lilia and his soldiers.

"Where's the nearest body of water?" Silver asks, holding Grim.


In the real world, an overblotted Malleus watches over the people in the Diasomnia dorm. The moonlight shines through the windows, covering Yuu's body.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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