chapter two

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[Melanie's POV]

After I took a warm shower I got dressed and went downstairs. I saw that Alex was downstairs with my mom and my brother Chris. My mom was making chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.

When I got downstairs I kissed my mother on the cheek and said good morning to Chris.

Chris is in the Marines and he's on vacation so today he is going to dubai before he goes back. I hugged him tightly knowing I wouldn't see my 19 year old brother for another couple months.

Him and Alex just shook hands and said their farewells.

Then all of us joined for breakfast. Alex and I ate our breakfast, and finally got out the doors to leave for school. Same routine everyday.

High school is a pain especially since I'm a senior the exams are just more brutal.

As we walk I hear everyone saying hi to Alex and a couple acknowledging me. Alex was pretty popular. He was handsome I mean if u call brown eyes, blonde hair and a nice face with a lean body cute.

As we walk I see Hannah coming. Supposedly Alex's girl.

She comes and gives him a smooch. The smooch goes on for a couple of minutes.

Do they both not have any decency. I wonder if I did that. What weapon Alex would kill the guy with. One brother is not enough. He just had to take the role of a big brother who was ten times crazier.

Back to my point they were eating each others face off.

God why is she always being over dramatic like I know she likes being intimate it's kinda known around the school but I'm not about to call her a hoe cause like double standards much if it was a guy he would be called a player and a boss that's bull.

But After a few minutes of watching them, I truly thought I was going to vomit.

"Nasty". I said out loud by accident.

Both Alex and the blonde looked at me like I'm a total creep.

"What?" I said.

"Get a room, both of you. No one wants to see your make out sessions everyday."

With that I walked off to homeroom class.

Alex was too occupied to notice, but I know I'll get an earful later.

When I turned around I saw Alex taking Hanna to the stairs just so they could make out more. He looked around to see if I was really going to homeroom. That was my cue to continue walking.

When I got to homeroom a few minutes later, I saw my other friends Chelsea and Raven sitting down. I'm only allowed to talk to them because Alex doesn't like me with no one else he gets jealous when I'm with other friends especially if its a guy he'll go ballistic.

I don't know why I listen to him.

I guess at this point it's just a habit to obey him.

But Chelsea and raven are an exception.

"Hey, Melanie."

They both chirped.

"Hey guys, so where's Mr. Cooper?" I questioned.

They both shrugged and right at that very moment, Mr. Cooper came in.

"Class, please settle down."

The teacher hollered. Everyone started going back to their seats and sitting.

Right then, Alex came in with his hair a mess and his lips all red. He sat down in the seat next to me.

A couple moments later, Henry the hot new kid came in and took his regular seat.

In case people didn't know I was totally in love with this dude. He's been here only a few weeks. But the way he talks and stands up for what he believes in.

Gosh he just captured my heart

All during homeroom I was staring at Henry. He was such an attractive dude.

Alex must have caught me. Next think I know is he slams the desk with his hand.

I just look at him annoyed.


I said very annoyed.

He whispers in my ear.

"I just want to remind you, that it's always going to be you and me. So stop looking at him. There's no chance of you and him ever being together".

I just looked at him and scoffed.

He really thinks it's just me and him two best friends for life. He must be crazy.

Then he looked at Henry, and if looks could kill, Henry would be dead.

You could seriously see hot fume coming out of my ear.  Like what the fuck he is my friend he needs to start acting like it.

Honestly what he said annoys me. Like I can't admire a guy.

No one controls me.

So to piss him off more I got off my seat.

I was planning on sitting next to Henry for the next three minutes of homeroom. When I got up, Alex faced me and inquired,

"where do you think you're going?"

I placed my hands on my hips. "Away from you."

I went over and sat in the empty seat next to Henry.

I didn't talk to him, and he looked like he could care less who sat next to him.

When the bell rang, everyone got up for first period.

I was the first one to get out because I knew that Alex was beyond angry. I quickly sprinted to my other class, but before I could, someone yanked the collar of my shirt and dragged me into another empty class.

When I saw that it was Alex, I knew I couldn't do anything because even if I screamed, no one would care. They knew me and him were friends. So they would think it's not serious.

Alex dragged me in and shut the door behind him. He looked at me fiercely then punched the door.

You know most girls would be terrified but I was just tired of this drama.

What he did next shocked me he grabbed my chin and put my head closer to the wall.

He has never acted like this before. So why is he doing this now?

Alex was always a good guy with horrible anger issues. But he was a polite kid who would be nice and kind to girls. Especially me. but today. He was treating me like dirt trash, I've never been this terrified of him. 


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