chapter 29

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Melanie P.O.V

Flight no.25 to Romania boarding in 20 minutes.

Shit. I was asleep.

I shouldn't have fell asleep at the airport. Who knows where American psycho will pop up.

Its you're fault for coming 3 hours earlier.

I had to come early.

I just wanted to leave home to somewhere else. Somewhere far.

After my parents came home from wherever they were I talked to them about letting me go to school somewhere far.

At first they ignored me saying I was delusional and that I only had a couple of months before college.

We're in November more like a whole year.

I talked to them consistently and told them how the atmosphere around the neighborhood and the killing of Henry at the same time Alex's behaviour becoming a little hostile towards me is all just putting me in a very depressed position in my life.

I scoffed at the part of Alex. They believe he is an angel.

After a little more talking they finally agreed. Well my parents wanted to go on a long vacation but they couldn't because of me. But after a little convincing of my mental state and safety they finally agreed to letting me go to school in Romania in a little village where my aunty lives.

I guess my parents noticed how I wasn't eating or talking or interacting like before.

I was also able to convince them not to tell Alex's family anything or him. I told them I didn't wanna be friends with him and that I severed all ties with him. I also said if they cared about me they wouldn't tell him anything.

They were angry like he was their child and not me.

I chose Romania because my aunty lives there. Even my brother was allocated there from his army. Plus my parents are clueless where my aunty lives they only know that my brother will be there so even if Alex did come around here he wouldn't get any information.

I am leaving now just for the safety of other people with me around, Alex will go on and do more crazy stuff. The best way right now is to keep me safe. Along with being away from others.

He's driven me away from my home my mind my life. Now lets see who will suffer.

He doesn't know the pain he will bear now.

After my parents called my aunt to ask her if I could live with her and when she said yes you could see the light seeping out of my eyes.

Now I would just have to let my school know I'm going.

Well my father already called to tell the school. Now I just gotta say goodbye to Chelsea and Raven and get my things including my transcript.

I hope Alex doesn't see me and become suspicious.

My parents were happy they can go on a long vacation they already started packing the house up. They were going to leave after college. But I guess the sooner the better. Now I could study in Romania get my life together.

The next day at school I saw Alex. He was always smirking at me for the past 2 weeks after the accident he's been quiet. Hes messing with me.

He wanted me to know that he controls me. Ha! What a joke lets see lover boy when I leave.

The bell rang and everyone left to class including Alex.

Now is the perfect time for me to get my stuff.

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