chapter three

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"How dare you disrespect me." Alex asks me aggressively.

Did he just ask why I had disrespected him? The audacity. I push him away from me.

I turned to him you could literally see smoke coming out of my ears we were both in a classroom and he was being possessive as always.

I hope he wasn't going to try to prove his manliness by doing something to Henry.   

That was the part that always had me worried.

"Answer me Melanie goddam it!"

Alex yelled.

I quickly put my hand on his chest and pushed him away from me.

He can be quite terrifying sometimes.

"Why do you always care? You're not my boyfriend, or my father. I think it's time that I make my own decisions when it comes to guys."

Alex looked shocked and was angry at the same time.

Then Alex after a minute finally spoke,

"If I see you with guys. I'm going to be very,very mad."

"Why?" I asked.

"None of them are good for you. I'm just trying to look out for you. I don't want to see you heartbroken. I know what men want".

He said. Bullshit.

"I have brains you know that. I feel like you need to get over yourself and let me be".

He looked at me calmly. Touching my hair gently.

"You can try hun".

He said that so casual. And made it sound so threatening.

He is starting to scare me a little.

After that he left the closet. After threatening me and making sure I do what he asks me to do.

I quickly got out of the closet and noticed I missed half of first period.

He was so annoying sometimes but I never pay attention to his threats because I know I won't do it again after he warns me just to stay out of drama.

The whole day went in a blur at lunch Alex wouldn't let me out of his sight and got his bitches to look after the guy I was talking to in first period class.


After school I would always wait for Alex but today I just left without him normally I wouldn't think much about him being possessive but today I don't know why but Alex honestly looked not just possessive.

Which I thought was normal all friends do get possessive of their best friend.

However he looked like he saw Henry as a threat.

Threat to what. Me liking a guy won't threaten our friendship. And then on top of that he didn't just peck me he full blown tried to make out with me.

Which is more weirder. I think letting him peck me and just obeying him all the time was a mistake. Maybe if I spoke up to him more he wouldn't have gotten so used to this control.

Forgetting all those thoughts I just went home.

When I got home that day I went straight up to my room and took a nap.

Three hours later:

I woke up after a good nap. My mind was a little clearer.

I checked my phone for any missed calls or messages when I turned it on I saw the I had over 40 calls and over many many texts all from Alex.

Oh shit I forgot to inform Alex I was at home he is going to bury me alive for scaring him like this.

I should have known not to do that. Alex is a drama king. So he would most likely blow this out of proportion.

One time this happened when we were 14 I left without him to go home from school he had gone insane he went door to door asking everyone if they had seen me.

He didn't even bother asking my parents if I was home. He just thought the worst. Alex's anxiety always got to him.

He even went to the cops because he really thought someone took me. Just for the cops to go to my parents and find out that I was home all along.

My parents and Alex were both angry at me. My parents for not informing Alex. And Alex because he thought I made a fool out of him.

To top that all off I felt so bad for what I'd do to him. Even though it wasn't my fault. My parents and me felt bad for him because he just sat in our house crying and sobbing. For a 14 year d boy he had a lot of emotions.

Ever since then I just did whatever Alex had asked me to do. Not wanting to cause any trouble.

But lately I as getting tired of being bossed around so I made my decision to do what ever o wanted to do.

But now he's older and has more anger issues. And oh my god he's going to be so annoying about this.

Well here we go.

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