chapter 19

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Melanie POV

I feel ruined like a piece of crap to be specific. He made me feel this way my supposedly best friend assaulted me sexually ruined me.

I've been cramped up in my room for two days , didn't go to school. My parents think I'm sick I wish I could tell them what happened but they would think I'm making it up they think Alex is a golden boy with a heart of gold, always had ever since we met.

My friend are calling me, asking about me I hadn't been able to talk to them a lot at school.

Alex, would always take up all my attention.

But the devil who ruined me didn't even call once. I know he's up to something and I need to get out of my self pity and find out.

So tomorrow I guess I'm going to school and facing him oh god, I hate him so much. I can't stop crying and beating myself over because I wanted to save everything for after marriage and now cause of him I'm tainted.

Thank God I'm still a virgin if he took that away I don't know what I'd do.But regardless I have to be brave.

Next day

Stepping into school was difficult the next day. I tried my best to look like I was OK .

Truth was. I wasn't.

Every corner I would turn I would think he would come out and do something but I haven't seen him since I came into school.


I'm not someone that's weak. Even Alex, knew this. He knows I was coming for him, when I got over in wallowing in self pity.

Right now I'm walking to one of my classes to get my homework, for when I wasn't at school. But someone steps in front of me.

Come on seriously. Do people not understand when someone is not in the mood to be spoken to.

It was a scrawny kid who I've seen plenty of times around he would always do some of Alex's work for him.

"What do you want?" I said sneering at him.

I knew I was being rude to him but I have a feeling he's here for Alex. He just looks down and starts talking

"Your needed in math class. The teacher wants to talk to you I offered to get you".

Now, I feel bad he was just trying to help me but it's weird since I'm really early, class doesn't start for ten minutes how did they know I was here not thinking into it, I just said thanks and and went to math class.

When I entered I looked around looking for someone but there was no one here not even the lights were on.

"Mr.Aaron, you called". I say looking for him.

Just then door was closed shut.

Then something dawns onto me what if this was one of Alex's plan.

Frantically I made my way to get out. The door was locked. I ran to it shaking it open banging on it but it was locked.

"You showed up to school ". I know that voice very well.

"How brave".

I froze scared out of my mind.

I turned around slowly looking at him. He was standing there looking at me with a smile and there was a threat behind his smile.

But I wasn't scared. Not anymore.

If I tell myself that. It might come true.

He was not my friend but my enemy. I'm taking him down no matter what. I just looked at him and smiled

"First thing first, your pathetic and should really just die in a corner". I said menacingly.

"Second thing". I stopped for a sec to think of the right words.

"Fuck you". I said he looked at me with surprise then he smiled more.

"I mean if you really want to fuck me". He says smiling.

"Really, don't put me through that. Your head game was horrible as it is".

He looked annoyed. That I said that.

"Maybe my dick game will be better huh."

Men are so provocative.

None the less.

I was terrified....,......

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