chapter eight

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chapter 8

When I got home that day from school I went up to my room just to think about all the things that's been happening in my life.

I mean can my life have anymore drama.

After two or three hours I think I don't know how long I've been thinking but it was a really long time.

After a little my dad called me downstairs to eat and he also informed me that Alex and his parents are coming in like five minutes.

Now you see normally I'm really excited to see Alex and his parents but with all this Information I've been getting it's a little stressful.

I can't avoid him forever. Might as well face him.

After I freshened up and groomed myself a little I went downstairs to the dining room. Sitting there was Alex and his mom and dad.

"Hello Melanie, how are you?"

Alex mom said with the biggest smile in the world. She's always been nice and kind to me.

"fine". I replied with a smile for her.

Me and his parents spoke for a little. Regular questions about school before they went back to talking to my parents.

I sat on my seat and started eating my dinner. I know Alex has been staring at me ever since I started eating because I haven't said a word to him ever since he came here and honestly right now I don't even think I want to talk to Alex right now I mean my best friend could be a psycho killer.

After a couple more minute my dad cleared his throat and the room got silent.

He started speaking to me with sympathy.

"So Melanie I heard there was a kid in your school who died last night and you and Alex knew him, are you both ok?

He said looking back and forth at me and Alex.

Me and Alex looked at each other Alex, was also the first one to speak .

"Yeah I why wouldn't we be, and in all honesty I think its a good thing he died."

The whole room was deathly quiet I am really shocked by his words how could he say that.

I finally got at my breaking point.

"Why would you think it was a good thing that he should've died huh Alex. How could you be so cruel and even say that about him I mean like what did he ever do to you."

I had practically yelled at him those words.

It was quiet for sometime now.

Our parents looked at both of us with shock.

Alex looked like he was really hurt but I don't care I wanted answers. Then Alex spoke again.

" Well Melanie I think it is a good thing he died because his life was real fucked up ok. He was taking drugs ever since he was 14, his parents used to beat him and he was assaulted by his uncle sexually many times."

"That's still not an excuse to be glad someone is dead". I declared with anger.

Now at this point he was really angry. I would know by the murderous glint in his eyes.

My dad cleared his throat after a while trying to cut the tension between me and Alex.

Of course speak now.

"How do you know all this information....Alex."

my dad asked him.

"Well we were friends, and he told me about this stuff after I caught him taking devils breath. It's a drug.

"I saw him use it. That's when he spilled everything and begged me not to tell anyone about it. He said his parents would torture him for embarrassing them."

Alex spoke with such tensity.

Then thoughts came into my head my head thoughts.

Was I wrong about Alex? Did I really accuse him falsely?

After that awkward dinner both our families continued talking and eating their food so they didn't have to bring more tension into this conversation.

The whole time Alex was glaring at me.

Anyway,after a while Alex and his family were getting ready to leave when suddenly he pulled me into the dining room.

While his parents were in the living room saying their goodbyes. He was here angry. Looking at me with a dangerous look. At that second he looked like he was gonna kill me.

Suddenly he grabbed my hair. Pulling it enough to pain me.

"How can you embarrass me like that today?"

He spit out on my face.

This was new he had never acted like this before with me in his life.

"You literally just questioned me. That too in front of your parents making me look bad. For a dead man."

He seethed with anger. He looked at me with those eyes.

I need someone to help me now.


!!CLIFFHANGER!!!KEEP ON READING TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENSNEXT........................,.......,............YOUR PROBABLY MAD!! ...............ITS K I HTECLIFFHANGERS TOO ........

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