Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since the party and since Billie gave me head.

I have been super confused on my sexuality and I didn't like the feeling at all, and all the lesbian porn I was watching definitely wasn't helping.

But I couldn't help it. After what Drew said I didn't wanna continue to let Billie fuck me because I didn't wanna lead her on. But then again the things she says to me and the way she touches me sometimes, it's like she is trying to lead me on.

I was in my room continuing to watch the porn until I heard quite moans coming from somewhere in the house.

I took out my AirPods and listened carefully. Nobody else was in the house besides Billie so it had to have been her that was moaning.

The moans were quiet but getting louder by the second. They were pretty and it was turning me a lot.

I pulled down the shorts I was wearing along with my thong and starting working on myself. Circling my clit and then entering two fingers. I moaned silently to myself and continued to listen to Billie.

This last for about 5 minutes until I heard Billie moaning very loudly which made me knot in my stomach and cum hard.

I let out one last loud moan and then stopped and caught my breath, cleaning myself up a few minutes later.

I got up to go make a smoothie cause I was craving one. On my way to the kitchen I heard Billies door open.

I didn't pay much attention I just got out the ingredients I wanted to use.

I was turned around getting things out of the cabinet when I felt two hands on either side of me. I turned around to see Billie extremely close to me.

She had her hands placed on the counter tops that were next to me so I was standing in between her arms.

"You like hearing me moan don't you Liz." She let out a seductive hmmm after her sentence.

I was staring deep into her beautiful blue eyes wanting to look away but didn't wanna break the intense sexual connection we were both feeling.

I didn't know what to say or do. How did Billie have the balls to act like this. I could never.

"I heard you moaning baby, no need to deny it was because of me." Her voice was sexual and low.

My heart was beating 100 miles a minute and I couldn't get out any words.

I just nodded slightly letting Billie know my answer.

"Do I make you horny Liz."

Billie saying these things knowing damn well my answer was yes was getting me turned on once again.

What was it about this girl that I like. Shit it's everything. But would I ever admit it to anybody let alone admit it to myself.

"Tell me, no need to be scared or embarrassed." Billie pushed some hair behind my ear and searched my eyes for an answer.

"Yes." I whispered out.

"That's all I wanted to hear." Billie let go of me and made her way back to her room closing the door behind her.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. How did she have the guts to do that.

It's cause she knows I'll fall right under her spell.

After I finished my smoothie I decided to go over to Charli's house and talk to her about how I was feeling.

When I arrived at her house she was already on the porch waiting for me.

We're Just Roommate's x Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now