Chapter 18

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It was 12pm and I was wrapping things up in my last hour of work. I was super tired today considering the fact after me and Billie said our I love you's, we fucked for like 5 hours.

"Hey Liz somebody is waiting in the private room for you." Mari swung around the corner.

"Um who."

"I don't know but he requested for you."

"Can't you do it." I pleaded.

"Nope I'm leaving my shift is over."

I rolled my eyes in response and walked over towards the room. For some reason I didn't have a great feeling about this.

I opened the door and was met with the sight of Don. Why did I know this was coming.

"Hi pretty." His deep voice spoke.

"Yeah let's just get this over with." I rolled my eyes well walking over to him.

I turned around and stuck my ass out in his face doing a little dance. I really just wanted this to be over so I was doing anything in my power to try and please him as fast as I could.

"No wonder Billie fucks with you." He said making me roll my eyes.

He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me down into his lap. I felt his hard dick against me and it made me wanna puke.

"You like this don't you, your a little slut." He lowly said making me try and squirm out of his grasp.

Instead he wrapped his large hand around my neck keeping me in place. I heard a snap and turned my head to see he flipped out a pocket knife.

"Alright please you don't have to do this. I will do anything you want."

"Well your just so damn sexy and I was just thinking maybe you could be a sex worker for the gang. Some extra money for you and me."

"Absolutely not." I told him still trying to get out of his strong hold.

He brought the blade up to my neck and slightly pushed it against me.

"That wasn't the right answer princess." He hissed at me.

"Okay okay I'll do it please just let me go."

He dropped the blade from my neck and pushed me off of him. He left the room leaving me alone in there.

"Fuck fuck fuck." I mumbled well letting tears fall from my eyes.

I quickly wiped them away and put myself together before walking out of the room.

I checked the time and saw my shift was over. I collected all my things and headed to my car.

The drive home was silent I let myself be alone with my thoughts before I had to see Billie. She is basically the reason this is all happening.

Maybe she is a bad idea.

I walked inside and saw Billie sitting on the couch watching tv. She looked over at me and went to say something but I walked straight to my room not wanting to talk to anybody.

I quickly changed into my pajamas and flopped down onto my bed. I pushed a pillow against my face and screamed into it letting all my emotions melt.

"Baby wants wrong." I heard Billie ask.

I removed the pillow from my face and turned to look at her. I should have locked my door.

"I don't want-" I tried to speak but the tears took me over.

I sat up on the bed and leaned my back against the head board. I scooted over slightly so she could sit down next to me.

Billie wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her chest. I cried against her leaving her shirt stained with my tears.

I loved Billie, but if I had to go through this to be with her I don't think it's worth it. Maybe I can quit my job and then stay with her.

The last thing I wanna do is leave her.

"Do you wanna tell me why your crying baby." She said in a soothing voice well running her fingers through my hair.

"Promise you won't make me leave you."

"Umm, yeah I promise." Billie hesitated.

I sat up and faced her. I wiped the tears from my eyes before telling her what happened.

"Today at work Don made me give him a dance. He told me that he wanted me to be a sex worker for the gang and when I said no he put a knife to my neck and then I obviously said yes because I was scared." I told her and then started crying again.

Billies face dropped and she looked like something just died inside her.

"You have to quit your job and you have to leave and get far away from me Liz, I'm not joking."

"I can quit my job but I'm not leaving you."

"Liz listen to me, I can't let you get hurt and I can't let you do this because of me." She cupped my face into her hands.

"I will quit my job that's the only place they know where to find me. They don't know where I live."

"They know where I live and considering your my girlfriend they will come to me to find you. Plus we live in the same house."

"Billie I'm not leaving you."

"You have to."

"But I love you."

"I love you too, we can text each other and call each other and I can come to wherever you are staying some nights."

"Just because your moving out doesn't mean this has to end." Billie added on.

I nodded through tears and got up to grab my bags. I shoved all the clothes I could into the bags I had. A few times I had to stop because I was crying so hard.

I don't want to move out. I wanna be with Billie and I don't want to leave her. Even though we are staying together it feels like the end of something.

I got all my bags and walked out to the living room where Billie was sitting with her elbows on her knees and her face buried in her hands.

"I'm leaving."

Billies hand snapped up when she heard my voice. She quickly wiped her face hiding the fact she was crying.

"I don't wanna go Bil." I cried.

"I know but this is the best option. I will come over and see you whenever I can. Where are you staying?"


"Okay that's good."

I nodded. Billie cupped my face into her hands and leaned her forehead against mine.

"I love you Liz. I won't let anything happen to you." She ran her fingers through my hair.

I placed my lips against hers and gave her a deep and passionate kiss. We stayed like that for awhile before pulling apart.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she pulled me into a tight and warm hug. I don't think I could live without this feeling.

When we finally pulled apart I grabbed my bags and went to open the front door. I didn't wanna look back at Billie because I knew it would break me to much.

As I was going to walk out Billie grabbed my wrist and pulled me in for one more hug and kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too Bil."

We're Just Roommate's x Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now