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Jacks powers had to of come from somewhere.

Of course, most would of assumed that they were from manny, i mean, he was the first one to talk to jack after he died. 

And if not manny, then maybe mother nature, most people assume he was a seasonal spirit too. 

Manny wanted a spirit that didnt need to rely on belief to do its job, something that didn't need to eat, sleep, something selfless, something that would do what he wanted it to do. So he got help. Partly from mother nature, but also from something much more dangerous. Something that could have killed Manny on the spot if it so pleased. 

He got the help from one of the old gods. 







“Frostbite? Ya feelin ok?” bunny asked. 

Jack hadn't realized he stopped talking. 

“da!  look like death frozen over…” north said, conserened. 

Jack didn't know if he could even muster up the strength to talk, his head felt like it had a personal vendetta against him. He thought he would be used to them by now. The migraines. He simply gave the others a thumbs up. 

“Ya sure bout that?The meeting ended 5 minutes ago mate.” 

Jack stayed there for a couple of seconds, before attempting to stand up. He attempted to lean on his staff for support, however…that didnt….quite go as planned. 

We’ll just say that his head now hurts for different reasons.




Jack had been with the guardians for 5 years now. Jamie had turned 15 this year and still believes in jack frost, jack managed to become friends with the other guardians and put trust in him, trusting that they wouldnt leave him behind, that he wouldn be abandoned as soon as he was deemed useless to them. It took a while, but eventually he started to genuinely believe it, and while there are still times where he worries, his worries got quieter over the years. 

Another thing, he managed to do in the more recent years is make friends with pitch. It took a lot of work, (and a bit of convincing the guardians that no, he had not been brainwashed by anyone,) but eventually pitch started to get more comfortable around jack, and while pitch still doesnt want to be near the others, he gets invited to partys north is hosting, or maybe tooth needed to know if certain kids were still asleep, sandy would be near him more as well. Bunny didn't quite trust pitch after he tried to destroy easter, but over time there was a silent agreement between them, both getting more used to each other and started to act less as strangers. Bunny once made a joke about how pitch was a “fresh out of jail uncle,” and pitch actually chuckled a little. 

Jack couldn't be happier. 

Then there were the migraines. They started only a few years ago, around the same time pitch officially became not a threat, and a semi-ally. They werent as bad back then, only happening during the summers, and jack just assumed that he was spending too much time in the heat maybe. However no matter what he did, they stayed, getting worse by the days. 





Jack had to practically fight north to let him go, trying everything to convince north that he was fine. North didnt exactly believe him, but jack managed to convince him, (and by convincing him, i mean he flew out a window that wind helpfully opened for him.) 

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