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“You didn't say the glacier was magical!” ruffnut exclaimed, looking around somewhat excitedly. 

“I wonder if there are trolls out here!” tuffnut wondered to himself out loud. 

Hiccup was starting to regret leaving the dragons behind. The glacier was much larger then it looked, from above ground, it looked so small, that it would only take a few minutes to look around for anything, but they had been walking for hours at this point. It wasn't as if they were walking in circles either, everything was unrecognizable, you looked away for a moment and the rock that was there just moments before is gone, you blink and its gone, and then theres something new. 

Thats not even mentioning the trees.

Or i guess, the ice shaped like trees. 

They weren't supposed to be gone this long he was still only 15, almost 16, and only recently had dragons been accepted, and his father still worried a lot about him being gone for more then a few hours at a time.

“Guys its not magical!” snotlout scoffed, “...right hiccup?” snotlout asked, nervously. 

“...maybe…maybe its from a…dragon?” hiccup said, unsure.

The others seemed fine with that conclusion. 

“A dragon?seriously hiccup, that's what you’re going with?” Astrid whispered. 

“I don't know, i'm just trying to keep them calm.” hiccup whispered, put his head in his hands, and took a deep breath.  

“Ok lets uh, lets take a quick break from walking.”

“I can toast to that, my legs are trying to separate themselves from my body at this point,” tuffnut said, as he laid down. 

Sadly their short break didn't last long, as they heard something near by. 

“..is that…” astrid mumbled. 

“Humming? Probably.” snoutlout said, shrugging, when it hit him. “Humming!?” 

It was hauntingly beautiful, yet terrifying at the same time. It didn't sound like any song they recognised, or even any type of vikings song for that matter. 

The others started to follow the humming noise, practically running, yet no matter where they went, they couldn't get any closer. 

Then, the humming stopped. 

No one moved a muscle, not even a twitch, somewhat hoping that they could hear anything from the person who was just humming. 

“Vikings all the way out here?” they heard from behind them. When they turned around, they saw someone in one of the ice trees. 

“Must be my lucky day, huh?” the figure joked. The cloak he was wearing covered his face, so instead of the joking manner he was trying to covay, he sounded…

“Oh hes gonna kill us, isnt he?” tuffnut asked, not sounding as worried as he should of been. 

“Not if we kill him first!” ruffnut replied

“No! No ones killing anyone!” hiccup said, starting to get a headache. 

“Are you so sure about that?” hiccup instinctively tried to elbow  the figure in the white cloak, the one who he swears was several feet away from him before, was suddenly right next to him. 

“Over here!” the figure in the coat was now up in a tree, further away from the rest of them. He almost sounded like a playful child. 

“How did you…” astrid said. 

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