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It was cold.
That was what he noticed first.
It was basically a block of ice, most wouldnt dare even calling it an island. A glacier more like it. There wasnt any sign of life.
Besides the dragons, of course.

Jack spent the first few months waiting, and wondering. He had noticed how everything felt different…wrong.
For example, his powers, they were stronger but…wrong….

He tried not to focus too much on them.

He spent the first few weeks just hoping. While he was doing that, he started to look around the glacier, which was much bigger than he originally thought. There were underground tunnels, and caves, and he caught glances at the dragons who made them. He wanted to be more discreet as well, and so when he found a cave full of left behind things,he found books, and shoes, books of dragons, books of vikings, a ship that was perfectly good for use, (‘ew’ -jack.) He stayed in the cave for a while, reading a book on norse gods and nymphs. He figured that it would be important to read, seeing as jack might encounter them in his lifetime.

I mean, that was how he first started learning norse.

A few years after becoming a spirit, he encountered another spirit. They asked his name, and he told them he was jack frost, and they mentioned how his name sounded like jokul frosti, a nymph and legend that was spread around the time that vikings existed. He was intrigued, and wondered if him and jokul frosti had anything similar, and if said spirit still existed, he would want to meet them.
However most accurate readings of them were in norse. So he went to old man winter, and he would teach jack norse, how to speak it and how to read it. At one point, jack spoke to the wind only in norse, just so that he could have it down completely. It was a way to pass the time, and while he found learning the language itself boring, when he was able to actually speak and read it accurately he felt a sense of achievement.

On this day, he decided to start reading one of the books. He stayed there, reading about the dragons for probably hours. After a while he felt something on his neck. It was cold, and he assumed that it was just some ice, but after a while, he realized that it was moving.

He turned around and was face to face with the dragon, the one that was responsible for the tunnels. it just stared at him, as if trying to figure out what he was. Jack didn't dare move, he didn't want to scare the dragon away. He took in the dragons features, It was at least 30 feet long, blue eyes, and it walked on its wings, one of the wings seemed to have an old scar on it, probably cant fly…. The creature took a step forward, to which Jack automatically took a step back. This thankfully didn't set it off, but instead made it more confusing. It took another step forward, and Jack took another step back, but he tripped and fell backwards.
The dragon made another noise of confusion, looking around, as if it couldn't see him.
Jack stayed there, not moving for at least 30 minutes, before the dragon left. Once it did, jack picked up the book he dropped and started looking for the creature he saw, and eventually he did.

“Snow wraith, huh….” jack said out loud. “..agressive, 30 feet long, pack animals…Snow wraiths stick together in groups, if one is hurt then the others will take the hurt snow wraith and retreat, bad eyesight-”
Jack paused.
“Thermal vision?”
Jack realized what might of been happening. The snow wraith was probably so confused to be seeing what it thought was a human corpse walking around.


The next night, after much consideration, jack started to look around the tunnels. They were definitely made by several snow wraiths, and  these tunnels seemed much older. They probably haven't been used in years. He wandered around, when his thoughts started to get darker.

He didnt want to think about manny, or the guardians, or pitch, or anyone. He didnt want to think about home, the lake, the fact that he was supposed to be some emotionless soldier and that once jack was no longer useful he was thrown away like garbage and-

He felt something on his neck again.

This time, instead of running, or hiding, he simply stood there. He turned around, once again seeing the snow wraith. It made a sound, and jack could only assume that it was saying hi. So, jack decided to repeat it back, the best he could. This was apparently the right answer, as the snow wraith decided to walk away.

Jack stood there, a bit more confused than before. The snow wraith, realizing that jack wasnt following him, decided to make itself more clear.
By that, i mean it walked over to jack, grabbed him by the hood, and dragged him out. He didnt realised how dark it was outside till now.

The dragon brought him to a different cave, a newer one that he hadn't seen till today. It was further away, and much more hidden than the other caves. Eventually, the dragon put him down, and laid down next to him. Jack sat there, still confused, until the dragon put a wing over him, as if trying to protect him from the cold. Eventually he heard the sound of another dragon. He looked and saw another snow wraith, protecting several eggs.
Screw that, several, thousand of snow wraiths in the tunnels, all noticing the strange 14 year old spirit, yet all seemed content with it.

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