Two - "Home"

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Harry had appeared outside across from number four on Private Drive. He sighed in defeat as his trunk appeared. He picked it up and dragged it to his Uncle's door and knocked twice.

He hardly had to wait long, because a great walrus of a human with a prune face whipped open the door.

"WHATDIDITELLYOUABOUTCOMINGHERETWICEAYEARBOY!?" he roared in Harry's face, spraying him with spit.

"Try again," he responded coldly, knowing he was risking his own life just by talking in front of Vernon, not to mention against him.

He saw his uncle raise his hand and shut his eyes in anticipation as he was struck.


Harry did as he was told, thinking that he got off easy, which frankly, he did. He's been punished for less. A LOT less. He shut his door as quietly as possible, trying not to enrage his "uncle" anymore than he already has just by existing.

He sighed and laid face-up on his bed, watching the ceiling steadily get brighter. What felt like hours but could be merely minutes he heard a soft tapping on his window. Raising his head slightly, he saw his beautiful snowy owl, Hedwig, tapping the glass.

She was the only one who knew of his pain.

Harry sat up slowly and opened his window as quietly as possible, closing it with a soft snap. He locked it for good measure. When he finally turned towards Hedwig he she had dropped a letter in the middle of his floor and was now sitting on top of her cage watching him with her wide and curious amber eyes.

He picked up the letter and- after immediately recognizing Ron's handwriting- tore the top off and pulled out the letter.

Dear Harry,

Sorry to hear that the hearing didn't go well. Dad told us everything, and I'm hiding in the bathroom we used to avoid a feral Hermione. I don't think I've ever seen her this angry. Not even when Malfoy ticked her off and she punched him.

Sirius nearly marched straight to the Ministry and it took a lot of talking down from Mum, Dad, Lupin, Mad-Eye and Tonks before he finally sat down again.  We heard the whole thing through the extendable ears. I swear that he and Hermione may break in and threaten everyone until you get reenlisted. We'll see how that plays out.

At least you have your family. I bet they'll try to find another school for you, even if you can't come here. Or homeschool you.

We got our letters this morning and I'm a prefect! So is Hermione, but she's always been like that to us and can now "expand her stern lectures of homework and house elves" according to Ginny.

Hope you're doing well.

Your mate,
Ron Weasley

Harry felt an explosion of guilt and anger at the Dursley part, but Sirius had kept his promise. Well, almost. He felt a small burst of. . . well he's not sure, but it's warm and filled him from the inside out when he read the Sirius had almost stormed the Ministry.

A second letter fell out.


Please send us more letter this year that last summer's, Ron's already driving me mad and the result of your hearing didn't help. He's a prefect, by the way. How did that happen?

We gave Hedwig clear instructions to avoid everyone but you, so this should end up in your hands only.

I swear to you, I will interrogate every single witch or wizard to find out how you could've been deemed guilty or get expelled myself.

Lots of love,
Hermione Granger

P.S. Tell your family I said hi.

While it was nice to receive a letter from of his best friends, it was definitely a guilt trip about the Dursleys.

Harry clutched the edges of the paper, making it crinkle and rip. Oh yes, he shall tell his "family" about his two wizarding world friend that they said "hi", and he shall do it with a nice large grin and a light tone while inside he was slowly dieing at his uncle's hands and lack of food.

Hedwig hooted softly, catching Harry's attention. She swept a wing towards the window and he gave a doubtful glance at it. He saw the most wonderful sight (except for Hogwarts).

Vernon was outside. With Petunia. With Dudley. With suitcases. Harry didn't even know he was so close to the window in anticipation until his breath started fogging up the glass. Gingerly he unlocked the window and opened it up just a crack.

"-and we shall be there by supper time," Vernon was saying to his wife while loading up the suitcases.

"I ho-"

"Dad where's my computer? And my watch? And my punching bag? And my wallet?" Dudley said, cutting across his mother.

Petunia responded first. "Well Diddykins, your video games won't fit with our luggage, and we want to surprise grandma with your tremendous accomplishment," she said as though she was talking to a five-year-old.

Dudley's eyes narrowed. "And my wallet and watch?"

"I believe I saw your wallet in the backseat."

"And besides," Vernon continued, slamming the car trunk, "we had to send you watch back to Marge. She said she promises to get you one that will actually fit a healthy boy this time."

Harry gave a quiet laugh. That watch was could fit around the middle of his calf for crying out loud.

"I don't want to see Grandma!" Dudley yelled, stomping his foot. It's remarkable how a fifteen year old could act five, while for Harry it was always visa versa.

"Dumdrop, grandma promised to buy you a new gaming set, and that we must visit her to pick it up. We're only staying the extra week so we may get new things."

Harry rolled his eyes at the toxicity of this family from his room and could've sworn he saw his owl do the same thing. Then what his aunt said finally registered. A whole week! And Harry is alone!

He felt his stomach do a backflip and smiled widely. Then he wondered if they had forgotten him. When he looked out the window again, he saw them driving down the road!

Harry was alone and grateful for it this time.

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