Five - Obscurus

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The house didn't really blew up, at least not the outside. The explosion Harry had caused broke down two walls, including the one leading to the kitchen and bathroom.

Harry stood around, awestruck at what he had just accomplished. The ceiling light had landed with a crash and was in several pieces. The couch Harry was formally sitting on now looked like it had been turned inside-out. The only thing still intact and likely workable was the rocking chair with Mrs. Figg on it, who was clapping her hands.

"About time!" She said, standing up suddenly.

Harry instinctively put his arms around his head as an effort to block the blow that was certain to come, but Mrs. Figg laid her hand on his shoulder.

"Oh Harry, why can't you see this is wonderful?"

He dropped his arms in surprise. "Wonderful?" He echoed. "Wonderful?" He asked again, waving his arms around at the wreckage before him, then immediately stopping incase it happened again.

Mrs. Figg had begun to laugh again, and Harry had begun to debate if she was like this from age or gone mad.

She waved her arms around, similar to how he did. "This means you are ready! You are strong enough now!" Her laughter became a scowl. "I've told Dumbledore years ago you were unsafe and unhappy, that you were an obscural, but he never listened."

"Dumble-" Harry began, than found that there was no point in repeating something he could hardly believe.

Dumbledore knew about this? And never bothered to tell Harry? Then Harry realized with a wave of dread and panic: this was magic.

"They're going to come for me," he said anxiously, peering nervously out the window then drawing the blinds. However he was too quick about it and they clattered to the floor.

"They can't track an overage obscural Harry," Mrs. Figg said gently, crossing the room and picking up the book that had miraculously survived the explosion.

Harry spin towards her. "Overage?"

Mrs. Figg sighed, then explained, "Most obscurals only live to age ten, no more. Except in the case of one a few decades back- I believe he lived to be eighteen and had a happy home in the last week of his life." She set the book on the barely held together coffee table. Harry stared at her, transfixed. "Of course, his record was destroyed the moment he died; they didn't want word getting out that one had slipped through their fingers. Soon they began to hunt them down and-"

She stopped abruptly, but Harry could guess the next part.

"Kill them?" Harry said just above a whisper.

It was like the world had suddenly stopped. Everything ceased to matter: Hogwarts, Voldemort, Ron and Hermione, the Weasley's, everything. Mrs. Figg looked Harry in the eye and gave a brisk nod. Harry collapsed onto the couch, quite forgetting that it was broken and a spring was poking him painfully in the back, but he paid no attention to that.

He was there. In the ministry. Only a week ago. What if he had let this power go in front of the whole wizarding court? In front of Mr. Weasley? How would Hermione and Ron and Fred and George and Sirius and EVERYBODY react?

He suddenly had a frightening vision of him sitting in the throne-like chair, back in court, this time the chains wrapped around his arms and legs, a silencing charm placed over him so he was unable to defend himself. Fudge was looking down on him, along with Hermione and all the Weasley's and the entire Order of the Phoenix.

He saw Ron place his arm around Hermione and him mutter something in her ear, making her laugh. She passed it on to Ginny, and so on until everyone was laughing at him for something he could not understand or control.

Suddenly he was back to sitting on Mrs. Figg's demolished couch and she was speaking.

"... and because there is no form of legal magic to track the obscrus now that it's been awoken, you could cast spells here and there!" She said with a joyful whoop at the end.

It took Harry a moment to register what she had said. "I can cast spells now?" He asked, excitedly whipping out his wand, all memory of the vision out of his mind. At least for now.

"What did I just say boy?" Mrs. Figg asked a little sternly, but there was a twinkle of knowing in her eye. Then she frowned. "But there is one condition."

Harry's face fell: when there was a condition, it was never good.

"What is it?" he asked hesitantly.

"Well since I helped you reveal yourself and you seemed to have it out for my house, help me fix it."

It took about two seconds for Harry to decide.


Hello! Thank you for making it this far! If your a little confused on the whole obscrus and obscural thing, you may want to watch Fantastic Beasts. That's when they first introduce the Obscrus to the wizarding world.

Also I realize that I didn't get a chance to explain how obscrus' get formed (oops), but that'll come in the next chapter. Maybe. I'll try.

Thank you again!

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